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SciencePG Special Issues

Special issues are collections of articles centered around a subject of special interest, which are organized and led by subject experts who take on the role of the guest editor. Authors should be aware that articles included in special issues are subject to the same criteria of quality, originality, and significance as regular articles. Propose a Special Issue

Propose a Special Issue

By proposing a special issue, you have the opportunity to undertake the role of lead guest editor and curate a collection of articles focused on a subject of particular interest. This allows you to showcase and explore the chosen topic in-depth.

Benefits of the Lead Guest Editor

Serving as a lead guest editor can bring a variety of career benefits, such as the following:

Be awarded a certificate of honor (electronic version).
Get your name listed on the journal's website.
Be at the forefront of scientific communications.
Contribute to and receive recognition from the academic community.
Assemble and work with a strong team of Editors.
Academic Events

AcademicEvents ( is an academic event planning platform initiated by Science Publishing Group (SciencePG). AcademicEvents aims to fostering collaboration and facilitating the dissemination of innovative ideas. Whether you're an esteemed professor, a dedicated researcher, or a curious student, our platform provides comprehensive support for hosting academic events in diverse disciplines.

Why Choose AcademicEvents?

AcademicEvents strives to provide you with a seamless experience. By organizing academic events under our service, you will connect with like-minded individuals and expand your professional network. Besides, our user-friendly interface allows you stay informed about the latest conferences in your field of interest.

We also provide publishing services for conference content (past or upcoming conference). The ideas generated during the conference can be developed into articles or abstracts for publication.

Recent Articles
  • Research Article

    Hydroxyapatite: A Comprehensive Review of Its Properties, Applications, and Future Trends

    Ibraheem Redhwi, Ahmad Fallatah, Fahad Alshabona*

    Pages: 1-6
    Published: 20 November 2024
    Abstract: Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a bioactive ceramic material which has given an important attention in the biomedical field because of its high biocompatibility and structural similarity to human’s and mammal’s bone. This study provides a comprehensive exploration of HA's properties, applications, and future trends, accentuating its potential in several domains beyond its traditional uses in bone and dental implants. HA's unique characteristics, including its osteoconductivity and ability to promote bone regeneration, make ... Show More
  • Research Article

    Assessing the Quality of Ordinary Least Squares in General Lp Spaces

    Kevin Hoffman, Hugo Moises Montesinos-Yufa*

    Pages: 193-202
    Published: 18 November 2024
    Abstract: In the context of regression analysis, we propose an estimation method capable of producing estimators that are closer to the true parameters than standard estimators when the residuals are non-normally distributed and when outliers are present. We achieve this improvement by minimizing the norm of the errors in general Lp spaces, as opposed to minimizing the norm of the errors in the typical L2 space, corresponding to Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The generalized model proposed here—the Ordinary Least Powers (OLP)... Show More
  • Research Article

    Managing Security Risks of Public Cloud Computing

    Ayokunmi Ogundapo*, Vitus Nnamdi Ezeaputa

    Mathematics and Computer Science, Volume 9, Issue 5, October 2024
    Pages: 88-95
    Published: 18 November 2024
    Abstract: The economic benefits and scalability of public cloud computing are already undeniable due to recent advancements in the field; the only question that remains is cloud security. Despite the enormous benefits of moving their computing workload to the cloud, many organizations continue to show resistance to this change. Cloud security concerns are the most frequently mentioned cause. Organizations are concerned by a larger attack surface created by the worldwide accessibility of services in the cloud. The security an... Show More
  • Research Article

    On the Andromeda-Milky Way Future Encounter: Thrice Faster Over Time

    Alessandro Trinchera*

    Pages: 17-36
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ijass.20241201.12
    Published: 10 November 2024
    Abstract: This inquiry accurately provides an analytical solution of the orbital free-falling time for the system of galaxies Andromeda-Milky Way within a non-expanding tired-light-dominated framework. The mathematical and physical background involves a two-body problem based on the orbital dynamics in which, in the first scenario, the gravitational interaction between local galaxies dominates over the expanding space. The latter is the standard astrophysical approach undertaken by public fund-based universities all over the... Show More
  • Methodology Article

    Importance of Reliability and Validity in Research

    Richard Karnia*

    Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 6, December 2024
    Pages: 137-141
    DOI: 10.11648/j.pbs.20241306.11
    Published: 12 November 2024
    Abstract: The goal developing a new research tool is to ensure that the measurement tool has a high level of external validity to be generalizable and have a broader reach and also is highly reliable and able to consistently gather the same result. Researchers need to determine the validity and reliability of each assessment to ensure that they are not misleading their readers and the data can be trusted based on statistical evidence to support their conclusions. Reliability is the ability of consistency of the results over ... Show More