This study focuses on the use of a new plastic waste polythene terephthalate (PET) adsorbent in a physico-chemical process for liquid effluent treatment. First, the char was characterized by determining the iodine and methylene blue indices as well as the zero charge point. The experimental conditions were optimized by evaluating the influences of pH, adsorption kinetics, char mass and initial concentration of difenoconazole. The results of the characterization revealed that the zero charge point was less than 7 (6.66), the iodine and methylene blue indices were equal to 689 mg/g and 315 mg/g respectively. Adsorption studies showed a better elimination of difenoconazole under acidic conditions, with a rate of 55.29% at pH 2. Kinetics are rapid and equilibrium is reached after 60 minutes. Experimental results indicate that a mass of 0.01 g removes 53.26% of the pesticide and that the adsorption capacity increases with the concentration of the pesticide. The study of isotherms showed that the Freundlich model better describes the process of adsorption of difenoconazole on the PET char. The adsorption of difenoconazole on the char is therefore physical type. It is dominated by π-π, dipole-dipole and H bond interactions.
Published in | American Journal of Chemical Engineering (Volume 13, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ajche.20251301.12 |
Page(s) | 14-19 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Char, Adsorption, Pesticide, Difenoconazole, Plastic Waste
Compound | Nature | Family | Chemical formula | Molar mass (g/mol) | Structural Formular |
Difenoconazole | Fungicide | Triazole | C19H17Cl2N3O3 | 406,26 |
Adsorbent | Iodine indice (mg/g) | Methylene blue indice (mg/g) |
Char | 689,10 | 314,95 |
KL (L/mg) | Qmax (mg/g) | r2 |
0,009 | 168,06 | 0,61 |
KF (L/mg) | 1/n | r2 |
1,39 | 0,33 | 0,91 |
PET | Polyethylene Terephtalate |
DFZ | Difenoconazole |
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APA Style
Massesse-Loudi, M., Boukongou, A. B., Mongo, D. B. G., Barhé, T. A. (2025). Study of the Adsorption of Difenoconazole on Char in Aqueous Medium. American Journal of Chemical Engineering, 13(1), 14-19.
ACS Style
Massesse-Loudi, M.; Boukongou, A. B.; Mongo, D. B. G.; Barhé, T. A. Study of the Adsorption of Difenoconazole on Char in Aqueous Medium. Am. J. Chem. Eng. 2025, 13(1), 14-19. doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20251301.12
AMA Style
Massesse-Loudi M, Boukongou AB, Mongo DBG, Barhé TA. Study of the Adsorption of Difenoconazole on Char in Aqueous Medium. Am J Chem Eng. 2025;13(1):14-19. doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20251301.12
@article{10.11648/j.ajche.20251301.12, author = {Melvin-Freedman Massesse-Loudi and Ange Brel Boukongou and Dieu-Mercy Bevelh Gallo Mongo and Timoléon Andzi Barhé}, title = {Study of the Adsorption of Difenoconazole on Char in Aqueous Medium }, journal = {American Journal of Chemical Engineering}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {14-19}, doi = {10.11648/j.ajche.20251301.12}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {This study focuses on the use of a new plastic waste polythene terephthalate (PET) adsorbent in a physico-chemical process for liquid effluent treatment. First, the char was characterized by determining the iodine and methylene blue indices as well as the zero charge point. The experimental conditions were optimized by evaluating the influences of pH, adsorption kinetics, char mass and initial concentration of difenoconazole. The results of the characterization revealed that the zero charge point was less than 7 (6.66), the iodine and methylene blue indices were equal to 689 mg/g and 315 mg/g respectively. Adsorption studies showed a better elimination of difenoconazole under acidic conditions, with a rate of 55.29% at pH 2. Kinetics are rapid and equilibrium is reached after 60 minutes. Experimental results indicate that a mass of 0.01 g removes 53.26% of the pesticide and that the adsorption capacity increases with the concentration of the pesticide. The study of isotherms showed that the Freundlich model better describes the process of adsorption of difenoconazole on the PET char. The adsorption of difenoconazole on the char is therefore physical type. It is dominated by π-π, dipole-dipole and H bond interactions. }, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Study of the Adsorption of Difenoconazole on Char in Aqueous Medium AU - Melvin-Freedman Massesse-Loudi AU - Ange Brel Boukongou AU - Dieu-Mercy Bevelh Gallo Mongo AU - Timoléon Andzi Barhé Y1 - 2025/02/07 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ajche.20251301.12 T2 - American Journal of Chemical Engineering JF - American Journal of Chemical Engineering JO - American Journal of Chemical Engineering SP - 14 EP - 19 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2330-8613 UR - AB - This study focuses on the use of a new plastic waste polythene terephthalate (PET) adsorbent in a physico-chemical process for liquid effluent treatment. First, the char was characterized by determining the iodine and methylene blue indices as well as the zero charge point. The experimental conditions were optimized by evaluating the influences of pH, adsorption kinetics, char mass and initial concentration of difenoconazole. The results of the characterization revealed that the zero charge point was less than 7 (6.66), the iodine and methylene blue indices were equal to 689 mg/g and 315 mg/g respectively. Adsorption studies showed a better elimination of difenoconazole under acidic conditions, with a rate of 55.29% at pH 2. Kinetics are rapid and equilibrium is reached after 60 minutes. Experimental results indicate that a mass of 0.01 g removes 53.26% of the pesticide and that the adsorption capacity increases with the concentration of the pesticide. The study of isotherms showed that the Freundlich model better describes the process of adsorption of difenoconazole on the PET char. The adsorption of difenoconazole on the char is therefore physical type. It is dominated by π-π, dipole-dipole and H bond interactions. VL - 13 IS - 1 ER -