The principal achievements of science and engineering in the sphere of static and dynamic analysis of thin-walled objects, structures, and shells in the shape of analytic surfaces are used for practical needs of people. Classes of surfaces that found the application in forms of architectural erections and machine building products are considered. This is confirmed by presented illustrations of real products and erections. Classes of surfaces which did not attract the attention of architects and designers working with curvilinear forms are pointed out too. The presented materials confirm conclusions of most scientists, structural engineers, and architects on increasing interest to design and building of objects of curvilinear forms. The analysis noted the end of the recession of interest in thin shell and parish structures in the 21st century. These shell structures are produced due to the presence of new structural materials and the expansion of the list of analytical, point, spline, and frame surfaces that can be used as middle surfaces of shells. These surfaces are used for the study of certain physical processes, for solving particular mathematical problems and for determining surfaces isometric to surfaces of revolution, thus allowing the creation of more precise methods of calculating the strength of shells. This review paper contains 47 references, and these are practically all original sources dealing with applications, classifications, definition of analytical surfaces, and analysis of shells with middle surfaces in the form of analytical surfaces on strength, stability, and dynamic. It gives to use the opportunity of parametrical architecture.
Published in | International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications (Volume 11, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ijaaa.20251101.13 |
Page(s) | 19-35 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Analytical Surface, Shell, Parametrical Architecture, Architectural Erections, Machine, Strength Analysis
GRP | Glass Reinforced Plastic |
FRP | Fibre Reinforced Plastics |
SPb | St. Petersburg |
hypar | Hyperbolic Paraboloids |
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APA Style
Alain, B. H. C., Nikolaiv, K. S., Arnaud, K. N., Emmanuel, Y. B., Benjamin, B. (2025). Application of Curvilinear Analytical Surfaces in Forms of Architectural Objects and Machine Building Products. International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications, 11(1), 19-35.
ACS Style
Alain, B. H. C.; Nikolaiv, K. S.; Arnaud, K. N.; Emmanuel, Y. B.; Benjamin, B. Application of Curvilinear Analytical Surfaces in Forms of Architectural Objects and Machine Building Products. Int. J. Archit. Arts Appl. 2025, 11(1), 19-35. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaaa.20251101.13
AMA Style
Alain BHC, Nikolaiv KS, Arnaud KN, Emmanuel YB, Benjamin B. Application of Curvilinear Analytical Surfaces in Forms of Architectural Objects and Machine Building Products. Int J Archit Arts Appl. 2025;11(1):19-35. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaaa.20251101.13
@article{10.11648/j.ijaaa.20251101.13, author = {Bock Hyeng Christian Alain and Krivoshapko Sergey Nikolaiv and Kouamou Nguessi Arnaud and Yamb Bell Emmanuel and Bahel Benjamin}, title = {Application of Curvilinear Analytical Surfaces in Forms of Architectural Objects and Machine Building Products }, journal = {International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {19-35}, doi = {10.11648/j.ijaaa.20251101.13}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {The principal achievements of science and engineering in the sphere of static and dynamic analysis of thin-walled objects, structures, and shells in the shape of analytic surfaces are used for practical needs of people. Classes of surfaces that found the application in forms of architectural erections and machine building products are considered. This is confirmed by presented illustrations of real products and erections. Classes of surfaces which did not attract the attention of architects and designers working with curvilinear forms are pointed out too. The presented materials confirm conclusions of most scientists, structural engineers, and architects on increasing interest to design and building of objects of curvilinear forms. The analysis noted the end of the recession of interest in thin shell and parish structures in the 21st century. These shell structures are produced due to the presence of new structural materials and the expansion of the list of analytical, point, spline, and frame surfaces that can be used as middle surfaces of shells. These surfaces are used for the study of certain physical processes, for solving particular mathematical problems and for determining surfaces isometric to surfaces of revolution, thus allowing the creation of more precise methods of calculating the strength of shells. This review paper contains 47 references, and these are practically all original sources dealing with applications, classifications, definition of analytical surfaces, and analysis of shells with middle surfaces in the form of analytical surfaces on strength, stability, and dynamic. It gives to use the opportunity of parametrical architecture. }, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Application of Curvilinear Analytical Surfaces in Forms of Architectural Objects and Machine Building Products AU - Bock Hyeng Christian Alain AU - Krivoshapko Sergey Nikolaiv AU - Kouamou Nguessi Arnaud AU - Yamb Bell Emmanuel AU - Bahel Benjamin Y1 - 2025/02/17 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ijaaa.20251101.13 T2 - International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications JF - International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications JO - International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications SP - 19 EP - 35 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2472-1131 UR - AB - The principal achievements of science and engineering in the sphere of static and dynamic analysis of thin-walled objects, structures, and shells in the shape of analytic surfaces are used for practical needs of people. Classes of surfaces that found the application in forms of architectural erections and machine building products are considered. This is confirmed by presented illustrations of real products and erections. Classes of surfaces which did not attract the attention of architects and designers working with curvilinear forms are pointed out too. The presented materials confirm conclusions of most scientists, structural engineers, and architects on increasing interest to design and building of objects of curvilinear forms. The analysis noted the end of the recession of interest in thin shell and parish structures in the 21st century. These shell structures are produced due to the presence of new structural materials and the expansion of the list of analytical, point, spline, and frame surfaces that can be used as middle surfaces of shells. These surfaces are used for the study of certain physical processes, for solving particular mathematical problems and for determining surfaces isometric to surfaces of revolution, thus allowing the creation of more precise methods of calculating the strength of shells. This review paper contains 47 references, and these are practically all original sources dealing with applications, classifications, definition of analytical surfaces, and analysis of shells with middle surfaces in the form of analytical surfaces on strength, stability, and dynamic. It gives to use the opportunity of parametrical architecture. VL - 11 IS - 1 ER -