Learners at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) need quality education which can be provided via a competent curriculum. In the contemporary world, such a competent curriculum must integrate Information, Communication and Technologies (ICT). However, there is less research outputs in this realm. This review has highlighted the role of ICT in Kenya’s TVET curriculum. Information was obtained from refereed journal publications, government reports, research, technical reports, and online databases. A total of 22 articles themed “ICT, policy, TVET” were analyzed thematically based on situational analysis on access to ICT in TVET, ICT integration in curriculum of TVET, accessibility to ICT in TVET teaching and learning; ICT integration in curriculum assessment; capacity of trainers on utilization of ICT in TVET; capacity building for the Councils and Boards of Governors (BOGs) in ICT; ICT in research and innovation within TVET. The review established that low access to ICT facilities limited the integration of ICT in the Kenyan TVET curriculum. The study also established low capacity and competence of the trainers within the TVET which hampered their ability to reinforce ICT use in curriculum delivery and evaluation. TVET management councils and BOGs had a scanty capacity on ICT and therefore found it hard to reinforce the use of ICT in the prudent management and administration of curriculum. The study recommends that tutors and trainers who were trained without ICT content should organize and undertake such courses in higher learning institutions to develop the requisite ICT competencies. The management of the institutions should also undertake necessary training in ICT competencies to enhance their ability to implement the policy of ICT integration in curriculum within the institutions.
Published in | International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research (Volume 11, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14 |
Page(s) | 25-30 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
ICT Integration, Instructional Processes, Technical and Vocational Training Institutes, TEVT Curriculum, Kenya
Theme | Year | References |
General discussion on challenges of TVET | 2020 | [3] |
Curriculum assessment in TVET in relation to ICT | 2023 | [8] |
ICT incorporation in curriculum of TVET in Nyeri and Nairobi counties | 2023 | [9] |
Integration of ICT on quality of learning in TVET | 2019 | [10] |
Curriculum implementation and integration of ICT through distance learning in TVET | 2023 | [11] |
ICT in teaching engineering subjects (mechanical and automotive engineering) in Kenya TVET | 2023 | [12] |
ICT in the overall management of the TVET institutions | 2023 | [13] |
Challenges in access to ICT in TVET in Nyanza Region | 2022 | [14] |
Integrating digitalization of ICT in teaching at TVTs | 2021 | [15] |
Integration of ICTs in curriculum within TVET in Kenya | 2017 | [16] |
Application of ICT in training and curriculum in online distance learning | 2023 | [17] |
Integrating ICT in curriculum and learning outcomes in Kenyan TVET | 2016 | [18] |
Integrating ICT in teaching in Kenyan TVET | 2019 | [10] |
Integrating ICT in curriculum in Kenyan TVET | 2014 | [19] |
Utilization of ICT in curriculum instruction in Kenya TVET | 2018 | [20] |
Utilization of ICT by tutors in curriculum instruction in Kenyan TVET | 2012 | [21] |
Obstacles in implementing ICT in curriculum in public TVET in Kenya | 2018 | [22] |
Integrating ICT in curriculum | 2014 | [19] |
Teacher competence in use of ICT in curriculum | 2022 | [23] |
Availability of ICT materials in teaching | 2023 | [24] |
Use of ICT in management of TVET institution | 2016 | [25] |
ICT in governance of higher education institutions in Kenya | 2020 | [26] |
Management of TEVT through ICT | 2018 | [27] |
Impediments to the application of external technology (including ICT) in innovation in TVET of Kenya | 2023 | [28] |
Uptake of ICT technology in innovation in TVET | 2021 | [29] |
Adoption of ICT for strategic innovation management | 2020 | [30] |
BOGs | Board of Governors |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
KSTVET | Kenya School of TVET |
TVET | Technical and Vocational Education and Training |
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[2] | Osumbah, B. A. and P. Wekesa, Development in technical and vocational education and training: Synopsis and implications of education policies for right skills in Kenya. Educational Research and Reviews, 2023. 18(8): p. 181-193. |
[3] | Sifuna, D. N., The dilemma of technical and vocational education (TVET) in Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 2020. 4(12): p. 4-22. |
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[7] | David, W. A., Synergising the creation of knowledge processes in a Technical and Vocational Education and Training College with industry demands for sustainable lecturer learning environments. 2023, University of the Free State. |
[8] | Muchira, J. M., F. Kiroro, M. Mutisya, V. O. Ochieng, and M. W. Ngware, Assessing technical vocational education and training institutions’ curriculum in Kenya: What strategies can position the youth for employment? Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2023. 29(2): p. 563-582. |
[9] | Mwangi, G. R., J. Njoka, M. Kimosop, and J. W. Murumba, Assessment of ICT integration in pedagogy in technical training institutions in Nyeri and Nairobi Counties, Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023. 7(3): p. 879-891. eISSN: print ISSN: 2309-9240. |
[10] | Sylvester, O. O., W. Simon, and J. Simiyu, An assessment of the potential of ICT in improving the quality of teaching and learning of Kenya’s technical education. African Journal of Education and Practice, 2019. 4(1): p. 1-28. ISSN 2519-0296 (online). |
[11] | Munene, R. M., Preparedness in Curriculum Implementation through Online Distance Teaching and Learning in National Technical Training Institutions in Kenya. 2023, KeMU. |
[12] | Ndiwa, M. C., Integration of ict in teaching and learning in tvet institutions in the mechanical and automotive engineering departments in Uasin Gishu Ccounty. 2023, University of Eldoret. |
[13] | Gatembu, R. M., Integration of Information Communication Technology in managing technical training institutions in nairobi and Nyeri Counties, Kenya. 2023, Karatina University. |
[14] | Otieno, O. N., G. J. Otieno, and S. J. Ochieng, Challenges in the supply of science and technology education training programs in the TVET institutions in Nyanza region, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies, 2022. 9(10): p. 196-213. |
[15] | Barasa, P. L., Digitalization in teaching and education in Kenya: Digitalization, the future of work and the teaching profession project. 2021, International Labour Organization. |
[16] | Maina, T. M., D. M. Kahando, and C. M. Maina, Curriculum Content Relevancy in Integration of ICTs in Kenya TVET Institutions in Readiness to Industry Needs. International Journal of Secondary Education, 2017. 4(6): p. 58-64. |
[17] | Munene, R. M., F. G. Ngeera, and C. M. Kanyi, The Status of Preparedness of ICT User Training and Skills Development in Implementing Curriculum through Online Distance Teaching and Learning in National TVET Institutions in Kenya. International Journal of Professional Practice, 2023. 11(4): p. 12-22. |
[18] | Maina, T. M., J. Ogalo, and N. Mwai, The Pedagogical Readiness of Instructors towards Achieving Integration of ICT's in TVET Institutions in Kenya. Research in Pedagogy, 2016. 6(1): p. 55-65. SSRN: |
[19] | Abuya, T. K., Impacts of adopting ICT integration in Technical Training Institutions of Kenya. International Journal of Research In Information Technology, 2014. 2(5): p. 551-558. |
[20] | Peace, A. B., T. K. Jackson, and C. W. Mukwa, Assessment of perceived ease of use and instructional use of ICT by lecturers in technical training institutions in Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2018. 5(1): p. 150-154. |
[21] | Mukwa, C. W., Assessment of Perceived Ease of Use and Instructional Use of ICT by Lecturers in Technical Training Institutions in Kenya Peace B. Agufana Jackson K. Too. Continuing education, 2012. 2015(2016). ISSN: 2411-5681. |
[22] | Kennedy, K., S. Wanami, and B. W. Kerre, Challenges affecting the implementation of technical curriculum in public TVET institutions in Kenya: A case of Nandi and Uasin Gishu Counties. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 2018. 8(3): p. 30-34. |
[23] | Njenga, M., Professional competencies and the continuing professional development needs of Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teachers in Kenya. Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 2022. 12(4): p. 475-492. |
[24] | Mwashighadi, M. P. and K. Kitainge, Availability of competence-based teaching/learning materials, tools, and equipment at Kenya's coastal region TVET institutions. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023. 7(3): p. 479-488. eISSN: print ISSN: 2309-9240. |
[25] | Mwangi, J., ICT adoption in the management of TVET institutions in Kenya. 2016, University Of Nairobi. |
[26] | Karanja, D., Integration of ICT in Human Resource Management: Case of Kenyan Higher Education. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2020. 6: p. 34-41. |
[27] | Maina, M. T. M., An audit of ICT funding towards effective integration of ICT in selected TVET institutions in Kenya. Commission for University Education, 2018. 220. |
[28] | Kiberenge, C. J., J. W. Simiyu, and F. G. Kanyeki, Practices Impeding the Use of External Technology in Promoting Commercialization of Innovative Technology Solutions in Selected TVET Institutions in Kenya. Journal of Research in Education and Technology, 2023. 1(2): p. 12-22. |
[29] | Mbolonzi, J. N., An analysis of uptake of information on Tvet programmes in Kenya: a case of technical training institutions. 2021, University of Nairobi. |
[30] | Gachunga, M. N., P. N. Karanja, and A. N. Kihara, Influence of Strategic Innovation Management on Competitiveness of Technical Vocational Education and Training (Tvet) Institutions in Kenya. International Journal Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020. 10(11): p. 1334-1346. |
APA Style
Omutange, E. (2025). Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kenya. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research, 11(1), 25-30. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14
ACS Style
Omutange, E. Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kenya. Int. J. Vocat. Educ. Train. Res. 2025, 11(1), 25-30. doi: 10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14
@article{10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14, author = {Elijah Omutange}, title = {Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kenya }, journal = {International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {25-30}, doi = {10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14}, url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14}, eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijvetr.20251101.14}, abstract = {Learners at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) need quality education which can be provided via a competent curriculum. In the contemporary world, such a competent curriculum must integrate Information, Communication and Technologies (ICT). However, there is less research outputs in this realm. This review has highlighted the role of ICT in Kenya’s TVET curriculum. Information was obtained from refereed journal publications, government reports, research, technical reports, and online databases. A total of 22 articles themed “ICT, policy, TVET” were analyzed thematically based on situational analysis on access to ICT in TVET, ICT integration in curriculum of TVET, accessibility to ICT in TVET teaching and learning; ICT integration in curriculum assessment; capacity of trainers on utilization of ICT in TVET; capacity building for the Councils and Boards of Governors (BOGs) in ICT; ICT in research and innovation within TVET. The review established that low access to ICT facilities limited the integration of ICT in the Kenyan TVET curriculum. The study also established low capacity and competence of the trainers within the TVET which hampered their ability to reinforce ICT use in curriculum delivery and evaluation. TVET management councils and BOGs had a scanty capacity on ICT and therefore found it hard to reinforce the use of ICT in the prudent management and administration of curriculum. The study recommends that tutors and trainers who were trained without ICT content should organize and undertake such courses in higher learning institutions to develop the requisite ICT competencies. The management of the institutions should also undertake necessary training in ICT competencies to enhance their ability to implement the policy of ICT integration in curriculum within the institutions. }, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kenya AU - Elijah Omutange Y1 - 2025/03/07 PY - 2025 N1 - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14 DO - 10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14 T2 - International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research JF - International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research JO - International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research SP - 25 EP - 30 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2469-8199 UR - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijvetr.20251101.14 AB - Learners at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) need quality education which can be provided via a competent curriculum. In the contemporary world, such a competent curriculum must integrate Information, Communication and Technologies (ICT). However, there is less research outputs in this realm. This review has highlighted the role of ICT in Kenya’s TVET curriculum. Information was obtained from refereed journal publications, government reports, research, technical reports, and online databases. A total of 22 articles themed “ICT, policy, TVET” were analyzed thematically based on situational analysis on access to ICT in TVET, ICT integration in curriculum of TVET, accessibility to ICT in TVET teaching and learning; ICT integration in curriculum assessment; capacity of trainers on utilization of ICT in TVET; capacity building for the Councils and Boards of Governors (BOGs) in ICT; ICT in research and innovation within TVET. The review established that low access to ICT facilities limited the integration of ICT in the Kenyan TVET curriculum. The study also established low capacity and competence of the trainers within the TVET which hampered their ability to reinforce ICT use in curriculum delivery and evaluation. TVET management councils and BOGs had a scanty capacity on ICT and therefore found it hard to reinforce the use of ICT in the prudent management and administration of curriculum. The study recommends that tutors and trainers who were trained without ICT content should organize and undertake such courses in higher learning institutions to develop the requisite ICT competencies. The management of the institutions should also undertake necessary training in ICT competencies to enhance their ability to implement the policy of ICT integration in curriculum within the institutions. VL - 11 IS - 1 ER -