This study aims to investigate the influence of E-Performance (E-Kinerja) and Work Discipline on the performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City, with Motivation as an intervening variable. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and LISREL software, the research evaluates responses from 120 civil servants selected through proportional sampling. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the direct and indirect relationships among variables. The findings reveal that E-Performance and Work Discipline significantly and positively affect employee performance. Motivation plays a critical mediating role, enhancing the relationship between both E-Performance and Work Discipline with performance. These results highlight the practical value of E-Performance systems, such as improving the objectivity and accountability of performance evaluations while fostering fairness in the allocation of performance-based incentives. Additionally, the study emphasizes the necessity of robust work discipline policies to support an efficient and effective governance environment. The results contribute to advancing performance management systems by demonstrating the synergistic effects of technology integration and human resource development strategies in governmental organizations. Daerah Pemerintah Kota Palembang. Motivation significantly mediates the relationship between Work Discipline and Performance of Government Employees of Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Kota Palembang.
E-Performance, Work Discipline, Motivation, Performance
1. Introduction
Civil Servants, as human resources in the government sector, play a crucial role in the success of government administration and national development, making their position and role very important as implementers of government policies. Within the scope of government organizations, Human Resource Management sometimes does not receive primary attention, resulting in an impact on the performance of government organizations, making it difficult for them to become innovative, highly competitive, and provide excellent service. Work supervision, according to T. Hani Handoko (2015:357), is a procedure to "ensure" that the objectives of the management and the organization are met
[16] | Handoko, T. Hani. 2013. Personnel and Human Resource Management Second Edition. Yogyakarta: BPFE. |
Various obstacles need to be faced in implementing competency-based Civil Servant management. The obstacles faced, according to Effendi include performance appraisal systems using a formalistic approach, appointments to positions not based on competence, education and training systems, and the absence of reward systems
(reward and punishment) [8] | Effendi, Usman. 2014. Principles of Management. Jakarta: Rajawali Press. |
In accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Regulation Number 6 of 2022, every government agency is required to implement employee performance management through performance planning, which includes setting and clarifying expectations, execution, monitoring, and employee performance development, which encompasses performance documentation, continuous feedback, and employee performance development, as well as employee performance assessment, which includes employee performance evaluation and follow-up on the evaluation results, including the imposition of sanctions and awards
[37] | Palembang City Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2016 concerning the Formation and Composition of the Palembang City Regional Apparatus and Mayor Regulation Number 46 of 2016 concerning the Position, Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions, and Work Procedures of the Palembang City Regional Secretariat. |
Performance measurement is also very important for organizational management to understand the level of success achieved, as a basis for evaluating the organization's performance and planning future goals. Stakeholders of public organizations often have overlapping interests, which results in differing perceptions of the organization's performance among the stakeholders. Therefore, the Palembang City Government is trying to create a new breakthrough to improve the performance of its employees with a system connected to more advanced technology called e-performance reporting.
Based on the Mayor of Palembang Regulation number 5 of 2022 concerning the Amendment of the Mayor of Palembang Regulation number 19 of 2021 regarding the Provision of Additional Income for Civil Servants in the Palembang City Government, the assessment of Additional Employee Income (TPP) each month is evaluated based on work productivity and work discipline. TPP based on workload is given to all civil servants who, in carrying out their duties, exceed the normal workload of 112.5 hours or the normal time limit of 170 hours per month
[39] | Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 concerning Civil Servant Performance Assessment. |
. The assessment of work productivity is carried out based on the execution of employee duties and validation by the assessing officer against the results of the execution of employee duties conducted electronically every day. The assessment of work productivity is 60% (sixty percent) of the amount of TPP received by civil servants, and the assessment of work discipline is 40% (forty percent) of the TPP received by civil servants
[39] | Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 concerning Civil Servant Performance Assessment. |
Human resources or employees are one of the very important aspects that need to be improved. Based on data from the Regional Government Information System of the Palembang City Government accessed on December 22, 2022, the large number of civil servants in the Palembang City Government, totaling 10,681, poses a significant obstacle in achieving good governance due to the sheer number of employees, making it difficult to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of their performance.
During the validity period of the manual civil servant performance reports, many employee performance issues arose, including the inability to measure whether the quantity of work met the 112.5-hour workload requirement, the types of work reported daily often not aligning with or even exceeding the main duties and functions of civil servants, resulting in delays in promotions and performance allowances due to insufficient employee credit points. (report on the results of the absence verification and performance report of the 2022 Palembang City BKPSDM Civil Service Performance Assessment and Awards Sector).
Employee performance is the work results achieved by workers, both individually and in groups, within an organization, in accordance with the authority and responsibilities assigned by the organization in an effort to achieve the organization's vision, mission, and goals
[7] | Busro, Muhammad. 2018, Human Resource Management Theories, Jakarta: Prenadameidia Group. |
Sedarmayanti in Widodo revealed that the factors influencing performance include attitude and mentality (motivation, work discipline, and work ethics), education, skills, management leadership, income level, salary and health, social security, work climate, facilities and infrastructure, technology, and opportunities for achievement
[60] | Widodo, Eko and Suparno. 2015. Human Resource Development Management. Yogyakarta: Student Library. |
Factors that influence performance according to Mang-kunegara are ability factors and motivation factors. The ability factor consists of potential ability and knowledge, with an above-average IQ supported by education, while the motivation factor is the condition that drives employees towards achieving organizational goals
[31] | Mangkunegara. 2017. Corporate Resource Management. Bandung: PT. |
This research uses motivation as a mediating variable (intervening) for the influence of E-Performance and Work Discipline on Employee Performance. Motivation is a desire that arises within employees, leading to enthusiasm or drive to work optimally in order to achieve goals.
According to Herzberg in Andjarwati he claims to have found an explanation of the factors that influence work motivation, namely: Hygiene Factors which include salary, personal life, quality of supervision, working conditions, job security, interpersonal relationships, company policies and administration, as well as Motivation Factors which are related to the content of the job, including achievement, recognition, challenging work, advancement, and growth in the job
[3] | Andjarwati, T. 2015. Motivation from the Perspective of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzberg's Two Factor Theory, Mc Gregor's Theory of XY, and Mc Clelland's Achievement Motivation Theory. Journal of Economics & Management, 1(1), 45-54. |
The observation conducted by the researcher regarding the motivation phenomenon of Civil Servants of the Palembang City Government related to the provision of performance allowances for civil servants based on manual performance reports often encounters problems due to the lack of objectivity in performance evaluations. Allowances to diligent employees and those who are not diligent were given in equal amounts, causing social jealousy among employees, leading to previously disciplined employees becoming lazy due to the unfairness in the distribution of allowances. However, after the implementation of the E-Kinerja system, the distribution of performance allowances to employees became more fair and accountable.
Besides motivation, the variable that affects performance is E-Performance. E-Performance is expected to measure the performance of civil servants, where good performance is recognized with appreciation and vice versa. E-Performance is a system that functions to control, monitor, and evaluate civil servants in order to encourage performance improvement within the government environment. Widiyaningtyas in her book explains that the utilization of technology and information can produce a level of efficiency in various aspects of information management, which is characterized by timeliness in processing, accuracy, and the truthfulness of the information (validity) produced
[61] | Widiyaningtyas, Yulia Ari. 2012. Computer-based management of personnel management information system (SIMPEG) database. Malang, FIA Brawijaya University Malang. |
In addition to the digital-based employee performance appraisal system, work discipline is also a variable that affects performance. Work discipline is a cornerstone supporting the success of organizational goals, both in public sector organizations (government) and private sector organizations. Therefore, every organization must implement a Work Discipline policy for employees within those organizations. For employees, Work Discipline is one of the keys to success in completing their tasks and responsibilities. Work discipline is very important for an institution or company to determine the company's ability to carry out its mission and achieve specific goals. Employee work performance can be seen from their abilities, skills, work quality, work quantity, the time employees use to work, and work discipline. Work discipline greatly determines a company's success in achieving its goals.
According to Pramadita et al. employee work discipline can be seen from attendance presence over a certain period
[42] | Pramadita, Surya. 2015. The Influence of Motivation, Work Discipline and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. PLN (Persero) Distributor in Denpasar Bali. Vol 4. No. 8. jurnal.ummuhjember.ac.id (accessed February 12, 2023). |
. Poor employee work discipline will affect employee performance, thereby negatively impacting the company's success in achieving monthly targets. Conversely, good employee personality will have a positive influence on employee performance and provide positive effects for the company. The lack of employee performance is also caused by the insufficient motivation provided by the company, such as awarding outstanding employees.
The Work Discipline Indicator used to measure Work Discipline according to Hasibuan is attitude, which refers to the mental and behavioral aspects of employees that stem from their own awareness or willingness to carry out tasks and company regulations, including attendance related to the presence of employees at the workplace to work, the ability to utilize and use equipment properly
[17] | The Hasibuan, Malay. (2017). Human Resource Management. Jakarta: Bumi. Aksara. |
. The second aspect is norms, which are regulations about what employees are allowed and not allowed to do according to the rules and serve as a reference for behavior, such as adhering to regulations, where employees consciously comply with the company's regulations and follow the company's prescribed work methods. Additionally, responsibility refers to the ability to perform tasks and regulations within the company. Completing work on time, employees must be responsible for their tasks by finishing their work within the specified timeframe.
Work discipline has a positive and significant impact on work motivation at Hotel Batiqa and Hotel Pesonna in Pekanbaru
[58] | Wahyuni, Sisi. 2020. The Effect of E-Performance Implementation and Integrity on Employee Performance. JESS (Journal of Education on Social Science). Volume 4 Number 2, pp. 153-164 https://doi.org/10.24036/jess.v4i2 Accessed May 3, 2023. |
. Motivation significantly has a positive influence on employee performance at the Regional Secretariat of Denpasar City. The results of Gultom's research indicate that the application of information technology to human resource performance in the organization of MICE has an influence, but it is not significant
[14] | Gultom, Liza, Khairunnisa and, Nurbaeti. 2023. The Effect of Information Technology Implementation on Human Resource Performance in MICE Organizations. JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1 JMPP: 158. https://doi.org/10.23887/jmpp.v6i1.58371 |
. Irawan et al. in their research stated that partially, work discipline does not affect employee performance at the Serpong District Office
. Nurhayati explained in her research that motivation cannot mediate E-Performance towards performance
[35] | Nurhayati, Ema. 2017. The Effect of Implementing the E-Performance and Competency Assessment System on Employee Performance in East Semarang District Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable. Journal of Economic and Business Research. Pages: 79 – 91 (accessed November 10, 2022). |
. Hidayat stated that motivation does not affect performance
2. Literatue Review and Study Framework
2.1. Employee Performance
According to Busro, employee performance refers to the output that employees, both individually and collectively, produce within an organization in line with the authority and responsibilities delegated by the organization in an attempt to fulfill its vision, purpose, and objectives.
[7] | Busro, Muhammad. 2018, Human Resource Management Theories, Jakarta: Prenadameidia Group. |
. According to Sutrisno, employee performance is the work results of employees viewed in terms of quality, quantity, working time, and cooperation to achieve the established goals
[52] | Sugiyono. 2018. Quantitative, Qualitative, and R&D Research Methods, Bandung: Alfabeta. |
. Performance is a process of how work is carried out to achieve work results
[59] | Wibowo. 2017. Performance Management. Fifth Edition. Depok: PT. |
. Performance is the work results and behavior achieved in completing tasks and responsibilities assigned within a certain period
[25] | Kasmir. 2016. Human Resource Management (Theory and Practice). 1st printing. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. |
Based on the above definitions, it can be concluded that performance is the quality and quantity of work achieved by Civil Servants of the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government in carrying out the tasks and duties assigned to them according to their workload and position over a certain period, which is then used as a systematic consideration in the awarding of rewards, decisions, and punishments.
Factors affecting performance are: Ability and Expertise, Knowledge, Work Design, Personality, Work Motivation, Leadership, Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Work Environment, Loyalty, Commitment, Work Discipline
[25] | Kasmir. 2016. Human Resource Management (Theory and Practice). 1st printing. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. |
. According to Simanjutak in Widodo performance is influenced by: Employee Quality and Ability, Supporting Facilities, and Supra Facilities
[60] | Widodo, Eko and Suparno. 2015. Human Resource Development Management. Yogyakarta: Student Library. |
. Additionally, the factors that influence performance are: Ability factors, and Motivation factors
[31] | Mangkunegara. 2017. Corporate Resource Management. Bandung: PT. |
To facilitate the evaluation of employee performance, work standards must be measurable and clearly understood
[6] | Wake, Wilson. 2012. Human Resource Management. Jakarta: Erlangga. |
. A job can be measured through 5 dimensions, namely: Quantity of work, Quality of work, Timeliness, Attendance, Cooperation skills. There are several performance indicators, namely: Goals, Standards, Feedback, Tools or Facilities, Competence, Motivation, Opportunities
[59] | Wibowo. 2017. Performance Management. Fifth Edition. Depok: PT. |
2.2. Motivasi
Motivation is defined as a process that causes the intensity, direction, and persistence of an individual's efforts towards achieving goals
[59] | Wibowo. 2017. Performance Management. Fifth Edition. Depok: PT. |
. Motivation is a factor that encourages someone to engage in a specific activity
[53] | Sutrisno, Edy 2019. Human Resource Management. Eleventh printing. Jakarta: Prananda Media Group. |
. Motivation is a condition that drives employees to achieve their goals
[31] | Mangkunegara. 2017. Corporate Resource Management. Bandung: PT. |
. Motivation is the desire that arises from within a person or individual because they are inspired, encouraged, and driven to perform activities with sincerity, joy, and seriousness, resulting in good and quality outcomes from the activities they undertake
[2] | Afandi, Pandi. 2018. Human Resource Management; Theory, Concept and Indicators. 1st printing. Pekanbaru: Zanafa Publishing. |
From the various definitions above, it can be concluded that motivation is a process or drive that moves a person to do something in order to achieve a goal. Factors that influence motivation are: a pleasant work environment, adequate compensation, and good supervision
[28] | Kadarisman, M. 2012. Compensation Management. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers. |
. The existence of recognition for achievements, status, and responsibilities. Applicable regulations.
The factors that influence work motivation are: 1) Hygiene Factors which include salary, personal life, quality of supervision, working conditions, job security, interpersonal relationships, company policies and administration, and 2) Motivation Factors which are related to the content of the job, including achievement, recognition, challenging work, advancement, and growth in the job
[3] | Andjarwati, T. 2015. Motivation from the Perspective of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzberg's Two Factor Theory, Mc Gregor's Theory of XY, and Mc Clelland's Achievement Motivation Theory. Journal of Economics & Management, 1(1), 45-54. |
The indicators of motivation consist of Hard work, Future orientation, High level of aspirations, Task orientation and seriousness, Effort to advance, Work perseverance, Relationship with coworkers, and Time management
[31] | Mangkunegara. 2017. Corporate Resource Management. Bandung: PT. |
. There are several indicators of intrinsic motivation: Achievement, Recognition, Work in Self, Responsibility, Advancement
[27] | Luthans, Fred. 2014. Organizational Behavior. Yogyakarta: PT. Andi. |
2.3. Work Discipline
The awareness and willingness of an individual to adhere to all corporate policies and relevant social norms is known as work discipline
[17] | The Hasibuan, Malay. (2017). Human Resource Management. Jakarta: Bumi. Aksara. |
. Employee work discipline can be seen from attendance records over a certain period
[42] | Pramadita, Surya. 2015. The Influence of Motivation, Work Discipline and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. PLN (Persero) Distributor in Denpasar Bali. Vol 4. No. 8. jurnal.ummuhjember.ac.id (accessed February 12, 2023). |
, Managers use work discipline as a tool to communicate with staff members in an attempt to raise knowledge and willingness to follow all corporate policies and relevant social standards, as well as to get them to change certain habits.
[55] | Veithzal Rivai Zainal and Salim Basalamah. 2017. Islamic Human Capital Management. Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada. |
From the various definitions above, it can be concluded that Work Discipline is the awareness and willingness of Civil Servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government to comply with all applicable regulations and norms. The Work Discipline indicators used to measure Work Discipline are as follows: Attitude, Norms, and Responsibility
[17] | The Hasibuan, Malay. (2017). Human Resource Management. Jakarta: Bumi. Aksara. |
2.4. E-Kinerja
To calculate work performance and provide work incentives, E-Kinerja is a web-based tool that analyzes job requirements, job workload, and unit or organizational unit workload.
[39] | Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 concerning Civil Servant Performance Assessment. |
. In accordance with the mandate of Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019, every agency is required to conduct employee performance evaluations through electronic media, the implementation guidelines of which are regulated in PERMENPANRB Number 6 of 2022 concerning employee performance management.
Based on the Mayor of Palembang Regulation Number 19 of 2021 jo Mayor of Palembang Regulation Number 5 of 2022, it is explained that E-Kinerja is a system that functions to control, monitor, and evaluate civil servants in order to encourage performance improvement within the government environment. Based on the above definitions, it can be concluded that E-Kinerja is a web-based application for reporting and measuring the performance of civil servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government according to their main duties and functions, used to control, monitor, and evaluate in order to encourage performance improvement, which serves as the basis for providing additional income for civil servants.
Based on the Mayor of Palembang Regulation number 5 of 2022 concerning the Amendment of the Mayor of Palembang Regulation Number 19 of 2021 on the Provision of Additional Income for Civil Servants within the Government of Palembang City, that:
1. The assessment of Additional Employee Income (TPP) each month is based on Work Productivity and Work Discipline.
2. TPP based on workload is given to all civil servants who exceed the normal workload of 112.5 hours or the normal time limit of 170 hours per month in carrying out their duties.
3. The assessment of work productivity is carried out based on the execution of employee duties and validation from the assessing officer against the results of the employee's task execution, which is done electronically every day
[41] | Palembang Mayor Regulation Number 5 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Mayor Regulation Number 19 of 2021 concerning Provision of Additional Income for Civil Servants within the Palembang City Government. |
The assessment of work productivity is 60% (sixty percent) of the amount of TPP received by civil servants, and the assessment of work discipline is 40% (forty percent) of the TPP received by civil servants.
This study makes a significant contribution to addressing the shortcomings of performance evaluations for civil servants by offering a more objective, measurable, and technology-driven approach. By utilizing the E-Performance system, performance assessments become more transparent and free from manual biases, enabling data-driven and accurate evaluations. Additionally, the study emphasizes the critical role of work discipline as a key factor in fostering productivity and establishing a consistent work culture. By incorporating motivation as a mediating variable, the research provides valuable insights into how motivation can be optimized to strengthen the relationship between E-Performance systems and employee performance.
The proposed technology-based system also offers practical solutions to traditional challenges in performance evaluation, such as data inaccuracies and subjectivity, while enhancing administrative efficiency. Furthermore, these findings provide policymakers with recommendations to integrate technology and human resource management, thereby supporting bureaucratic reform efforts aimed at improving accountability and transparency. Ultimately, this study not only enhances the performance evaluation process for civil servants but also contributes to the development of more effective and sustainable performance management systems.
2.5. Hypothesis
The Influence of E-Performance on the Performance of Civil Servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Factors that influence performance include E-Performance as a technology that supports an electronic performance reporting system. One of the factors that influence performance is technology
[60] | Widodo, Eko and Suparno. 2015. Human Resource Development Management. Yogyakarta: Student Library. |
. The most dominant variable affecting employee performance is the implementation of E-Performance, which directly influences employee performance without going through motivation as an intervening variable
[35] | Nurhayati, Ema. 2017. The Effect of Implementing the E-Performance and Competency Assessment System on Employee Performance in East Semarang District Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable. Journal of Economic and Business Research. Pages: 79 – 91 (accessed November 10, 2022). |
The initial observation by the researcher indicates that the current written performance appraisal of civil servants is no longer effective and has become an issue identified by the Financial Audit Agency in 2021 at the BKPSDM of Palembang City. This is because the assessment using the old model tends to be formalistic, subjective, and less accurate in measuring the quality and quantity of employee performance.
During the validity period of the manual civil servant performance report, many problems arose, including the inability to measure whether the quantity of work performed by employees met the workload requirement of 112.5 hours or not. Civil Servants only describe the types of work performed each day without including the workload obtained according to the type of activity and the employee's position. (personal statement, 02 November 2022).
After the implementation of E-Kinerja, there has been a significant change in employee attendance levels. Employees who previously never came to work have become active, although the tendency is sometimes just to fulfill the obligation of fingerprint attendance for the Employee Income Supplement (TPP). The results of E-Kinerja validated by superiors do not fully reflect the performance of the ASN itself. The performance input by employees often does not align with their main duties and only meets the minimum cumulative working days required in the TPP calculation. From field observations, it appears that there has been no evaluation of the daily performance report and employee behavior report up to this point. (personal communication di BKPSDM Kota Palembang, 19 Oktober 2022).
The Influence of Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government
Work discipline is very important for institutions or companies to determine the ability of the company to carry out its mission and achieve specific goals. Employee work performance can be seen from their abilities, skills, work quality, work quantity, the time employees use to work, and work discipline. Work discipline greatly determines a company's success in achieving its goals.
Analyzed the influence of motivation on work discipline and employee performance at the regional secretariat of Denpasar City
[29] | Tupti, Z., & Arif, M. (2020). The Influence Of Discipline And Motivation On Employee Performance. International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences (Injects), 1(2), 61–69. https://doi.org/10.53695/injects.v1i1.150 |
. The research findings indicate that motivation significantly has a positive impact on employee performance. Work discipline is not a mediator between motivation and employee performance at the Regional Secretariat of Denpasar City.
Based on the recapitulation of attendance (attendance list) through the online fingerprint absenteeism recap for June 2022 in one of the sub-districts, it can be illustrated that there is a lack of work discipline among the employees in the Palembang City Government. The recap results show that every month there are still employees who do not report to work without informing their superiors and work units or without explanation (TK), arrive late, and leave early.
In addition, another issue related to work discipline that arises is the continued occurrence of work discipline violations by employees against Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning the Work Discipline of State Civil Apparatus. In 2022, State Civil Servants were still found to be committing work discipline violations, whether minor, moderate, or severe. Based on the personal statement of the Sub-Coordinator of Work Discipline and Awards at BKPSDM Palembang City, cases of Work Discipline violations in 2022 tended to increase compared to 2021, although in mid-2022, minor discipline violations slightly decreased due to the implementation of E-Kinerja.
Based on the recapitulation of the online performance report of civil servants in June 2022 in one of the sub-districts, it was found that there are still several employees who do not meet the targets or cannot complete tasks on time and even tend to not engage in any activities at all.
The Influence of E-Performance on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Based on the research conducted by Indrawan (2021), it shows that the implementation of Electronic Performance (E-Performance) is capable of increasing employee work motivation at the Klungkung District Office, Klung-kung Regency
[22] | Indrawan, Iwan. 2021. Implementation of Electronic Performance (E-Performance) on Employee Work Motivation at the Klungkung District Office. Public Inspiration: Journal of Public Administration, 6(1), 55-65. |
The phenomenon of E-Performance in the Palembang City Government environment often arises due to the lack of objectivity in performance evaluations. Allowances to diligent employees and those who are not are given in equal amounts, which causes social jealousy among employees, leading those who were previously disciplined in their work to become lazy and unmotivated to excel and improve performance due to the unfairness in the distribution of allowances. This also reduces the employees' diligence in carrying out the tasks assigned by their superiors because it is not commensurate with their positions. Moreover, the employees have not shown any initiative to participate in training or education for the development of their potential.
The Influence of Work Discipline on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of Palembang City
One of the external factors that influence work motivation according to Saydam in Kadarisman (2012) is the applicable regulations. The applicable regulations describe the work systems and procedures that must be followed by all employees. This means demanding employee discipline in adhering to the rules in an organization
[28] | Kadarisman, M. 2012. Compensation Management. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers. |
The research conducted by Hidayah and Pribadi (2011) found that work discipline has a positive and significant impact on work motivation at the Marine and Fisheries Office of Semarang City
[19] | Hidayah, Siti, Pribadi, Kukuh. 2011. Analysis of the Influence of Work Discipline and Communication on Performance with the Mediation of Employee Work Motivation (Case Study of Employees at the Marine and Fisheries Service of Semarang City). Journal of Accounting Management Economics Vol 18, No 31. |
The phenomenon occurring in the Regional Device Organization of Palembang City is the continued presence of Civil Servants arriving late and "Without Explanation." Additionally, there are still high cases of disciplinary violations committed by Civil Servants in the Palembang City Government environment.
The Influence of Motivation on the Performance of Civil Servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
One of the factors that influence performance according to Kasmir (2016) is Work Motivation. If employees have a strong internal drive (motivation) or external drive (such as from the company), then employees will be stimulated or encouraged to perform their work well
[25] | Kasmir. 2016. Human Resource Management (Theory and Practice). 1st printing. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. |
Examined how motivation affected employee performance and work discipline in the Denpasar City regional secretariat. 69 respondents' questionnaires were used to collect data. The Partial Least Square (PLS) Version 20 analysis method is employed
[12] | Ghozali, Imam. 2014. Structural Equation Modeling, Alternative Method with Partial Least Square (PLS). 4th Edition. Semarang: Diponegoro University Publishing Agency. |
The results of the study show that employee performance is greatly improved by incentive. At the Denpasar City Regional Secretariat, work discipline does not act as a mediator between employee performance and motivation.
[29] | Tupti, Z., & Arif, M. (2020). The Influence Of Discipline And Motivation On Employee Performance. International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences (Injects), 1(2), 61–69. https://doi.org/10.53695/injects.v1i1.150 |
According to Wahyuni et al.'s research from 2021, the work discipline variable at Hotel Batiqa and Hotel Pesonna in Pekanbaru has a favorable and significant impact on work motivation, according to the results of the Direct Effect test. Employee performance at Hotel Batiqa and Hotel Pesonna in Pekanbaru is positively and significantly impacted by the work discipline variable, according to the results of the Direct Effect test. The Direct Effect test results indicate that the work motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at Hotel Batiqa and Hotel Pesonna in Pekanbaru. The results of the Indirect Effects test show that, at the Hotels Batiqa and Pesonna in Pekanbaru, work discipline significantly and favorably affects employee performance through work motivation. The findings of the study demonstrate that work discipline has a greater direct impact on employee performance than it does on employee performance through work motivation. This is due to the fact that in this study, factors other than job motivation and discipline are more important.
[58] | Wahyuni, Sisi. 2020. The Effect of E-Performance Implementation and Integrity on Employee Performance. JESS (Journal of Education on Social Science). Volume 4 Number 2, pp. 153-164 https://doi.org/10.24036/jess.v4i2 Accessed May 3, 2023. |
Regarding the provision of civil servant performance allowances based on manual performance reports, according to one Human Resource Analyst from the BKPSDM of Palembang City, issues often arise due to the lack of objectivity in performance evaluations. The Additional Income for Civil Servants (TPP) is a form of reward for performance given to diligent employees, while those who are not diligent do not receive the same amount. This causes social jealousy among employees, leading those who were previously disciplined in their work to become lazy due to the perceived injustice in the distribution of allowances.
Furthermore, the Additional Income for Civil Servants, which should be given according to the class of each civil servant's position, is not provided as it should be because there are many employees performing tasks that do not correspond to their workload and position. This occurs because the performance reporting system is still manual, so the Additional Income for civil servants is not given according to the class and position of each employee. (monitoring and evaluation results of the 2022 Civil Service Performance Assessment and Awards Sector).
Figure 1. Framework of Thought.
3. Materials and Methods
The type of research used is associative research. Associative research is research that seeks to find the relationship between two or more variables with the aim of determining whether there is an influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable. (Y). The variable in question is to determine the influence of E-Performance and Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants through Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government
[52] | Sugiyono. 2018. Quantitative, Qualitative, and R&D Research Methods, Bandung: Alfabeta. |
The population in this study consists of all Civil Servants of the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government, totaling 217 people. The number of samples used in this study is adjusted according to the analysis method used, namely Structural Equation Model (SEM). In the SEM method, the number of samples required is at least 5 times the number of indicators
[11] | Ferdinand, A. (2014). Management Research Methods (5th ed.). Semarang: AGF Books. |
. The number of indicators in this study is 24 indicators, so a minimum of 24 x 5 or 120 samples are needed.
In this study, Probability Sampling is used, which is a sampling technique that gives each element (member) of the population an equal chance of being selected as a sample member. Since the number of sub-populations is not the same across each work unit, the determination of the number of each sub-population uses the Proportional Sampling procedure. To determine the sample size for each Division in the Regional Secretariat of Palembang City, it can be done using the proportional allocation formula as follows:
ni = Number of samples in each Section
Ni = Number of populations in each Section
n = Total number of sample members
N = Total number of population members
In this study, it is based on each Division in the Regional Secretariat of Palembang City using the Proportional Sampling technique with 120 respondents. A population that is considered heterogeneous according to a certain characteristic is grouped into several sub-populations, so that within the group, the sample members will be relatively homogeneous
[54] | Umar, Hussein. 2008. Research Design of Human Resources and Employee Behavior. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. |
The proportional sampling technique was chosen for its ability to ensure representativeness across various divisions within the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City. This approach allows for a balanced distribution of respondents based on the size and characteristics of each division, ensuring that the sample accurately reflects the population’s diversity. By proportionally representing each division, the study minimizes potential biases and ensures that the findings can be generalized across all organizational units.
The decision to use 24 indicators in the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was grounded in the need for a comprehensive analysis of the relationships among variables. These indicators were derived from an extensive literature review and preliminary studies, ensuring their relevance and alignment with the research objectives. Each indicator was carefully selected to capture specific dimensions of E-Performance, Work Discipline, Motivation, and Employee Performance
[12] | Ghozali, Imam. 2014. Structural Equation Modeling, Alternative Method with Partial Least Square (PLS). 4th Edition. Semarang: Diponegoro University Publishing Agency. |
. The inclusion of multiple indicators enhances the robustness of the model by providing a detailed understanding of how these constructs interact, ensuring the reliability and validity of the SEM results.
The Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) modeling equation is used in this study's data testing procedure to measure the variables. Path analysis has been further developed into SEM modeling. The SEM approach allows for a more thorough assessment of the quality of the link between exogenous and endogenous variables.
[1] | Abdullah. 2015. Quantitative Research Methodology. Yogyakarta: Aswaja Pressindo. |
. Hypothesis testing is conducted by examining the CR value and the p-value. The hypothesis is said to have an effect when the resulting CR value is > 1.96. Then, for the p-value, it is said to have an influence when the resulting p-value ≤ 0.05. If the CR-value < 1.96, then Ho is accepted
[13] | Ghozali, I. (2017). Multivariate Analysis Application with SPSS Program. Semarang: UNDIP Publishing Agency. |
The SEM Structural Equation Model involves a number of mathematical symbols. This can be seen, for example, in the Lisrel software that will be used in this research. The research model structure uses complete indicators, symbols, and explanations that can be seen in
Figure 2 below:
Figure 2. Model Structure.
4. Results
Next, a structural model test will be conducted, specifically testing the significance of the influence. The image below shows the results of the structural equation based on the LISREL software.
Figure 3. Structural Equation Results.
Based on
Figure 3, the R-Square (R2) value of Motivation is 0.2379, which means E-Performance and Work Discipline can influence Motivation by 23.79%. Meanwhile, the R-Square (R2) value for Performance is 0.5208, which means E-Performance, Work Discipline, and Motivation can influence Performance by 52.08%.
Hypothesis Testing (Model t values)
Figure 4. Path Coefficient and t-values.
Based on
Figure 4, the path coefficient and T-values can be used to conduct the following hypothesis test:
The effect of E-Performance on Performance
Ho1: There is no effect of E-Performance on the performance of civil servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Ha1: There is an effect of E-Performance on the performance of civil servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
The path coefficient value = 0.1798, with T-values = 2.7256 > 1.96, thus Ho is rejected, meaning E-Kinerja has a positive and significant effect on Kinerja.
The Influence of Work Discipline on Performance
Ho2: There is no influence of Work Discipline on thePerformance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Ha2: There is an influence of Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
The path coefficient value = 0.1599 with a T-value = 2.4270 > 1.96, thus Ho is rejected, meaning Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Performance.
The Influence of E-Performance on Motivation
Ho3: There is no influence of E-Performance on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the City Government of Palembang.
Ha3: There is an influence of E-Performance on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the City Government of Palembang.
The path coefficient value = 0.3102 with a T-value = 3.8045 > 1.96, thus Ho is rejected, meaning E-Performance has a positive and significant effect on Motivation.
The Influence of Work Discipline on Motivation
Ho4: There is no influence of Work Discipline on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Ha4: There is an influence of Work Discipline on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
The path coefficient value = 0.3042 with a T-value = 3.7687 > 1.96, therefore Ho is rejected, meaning Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Motivation.
The Influence of Motivation on Performance
Ho5: There is no influence of Motivation on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Ha5: There is an influence of Motivation on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
The path coefficient value = 0.5134 with T-values = 6.6349 > 1.96, thus Ho is rejected, meaning Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Performance.
Then, in the figure below, the results of the indirect mediation test can be seen as follows:
Figure 5. Mediation Testing or Indirect Effect.
Based on the mediation testing results in
Figure 5, it can be explained as follows:
1. The indirect effect of E-Performance on Performance through Motivation is 0.1593. It is known that Motivation significantly mediates the relationship between E-Performance and Performance, with a T-value of 3.3352 > 1.96.
2. The indirect effect of Work Discipline on Performance through Motivation is 0.1562. It is known that Motivation significantly mediates the relationship between Discipline and Performance, with a T-value of 3.3124 > 1.96.
The practical significance of E-Performance (E-Kinerja) and Work Discipline in enhancing the performance of civil servants is particularly evident in organizational contexts similar to the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City. E-Kinerja provides a structured, transparent, and objective framework for evaluating employee performance, reducing subjective biases, and fostering accountability.
This system ensures that performance evaluations are based on measurable outputs and contributions, motivating employees to align their efforts with organizational goals. Work Discipline, on the other hand, serves as a foundational element for maintaining consistency and productivity within the workforce. A disciplined workforce ensures compliance with organizational policies, timely task completion, and a professional work environment, all of which are crucial for achieving organizational objectives.
Field observations revealed specific examples of how motivation mediates the relationship between Work Discipline and Employee Performance. For instance, in divisions where employees demonstrated higher adherence to disciplinary policies, motivation levels were also elevated due to the recognition and rewards associated with consistent behavior. This, in turn, translated into better performance outcomes, as motivated employees were more likely to exceed their targets and contribute innovative ideas to improve service delivery. One key observation highlighted that employees in technology-focused departments, who actively engaged with the E-Kinerja system, reported higher satisfaction and motivation levels, as the system provided real-time feedback and performance-based incentives. These findings underscore the importance of integrating E-Kinerja and fostering a disciplined work culture to optimize civil servant performance across diverse organizational contexts.
5. Discussion
In this discussion section, the results of the analysis of the tests indicated by the existing hypotheses will be explained, so that the influence of each variable on the others can be understood.
The Influence of E-Performance on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Based on the test results, E-Performance has a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government. The test results show a path coefficient value of 0.1798 with T-values of 2.7256 > 1.96.
The results of this study are in accordance with the theory according to Si-manjuntak in Widodo (2015: 133) which explains that one of the factors influencing performance is E-Kinerja as a technological support tool related to employee welfare
[60] | Widodo, Eko and Suparno. 2015. Human Resource Development Management. Yogyakarta: Student Library. |
This research aligns with Manora et al. (2021), who state that overall, the hypothesis testing results show that the success rate of E-Kinerja implementation at BKPSDM, Salatiga City, based on the DeLone-McLean model, has proven successful in improving employee and organizational performance
[32] | Manora, Elsa, Maria, Evi, and Chernovita Hanna Prillysca. 2021. Analysis of the Success of E-Performance Implementation in Salatiga City Using the DeLoneMcLean Model. Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS) Volume 3, No 1, June 2021 Page 16−25. Accessed May 3, 2023. https://doi.org/10.47065/bits.v3i1.1001 |
. The results of Wahyuni's (2020) research explain that from the research and data testing, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of e-performance and integrity on the performance of employees in the OPD of Payakumbuh City
[58] | Wahyuni, Sisi. 2020. The Effect of E-Performance Implementation and Integrity on Employee Performance. JESS (Journal of Education on Social Science). Volume 4 Number 2, pp. 153-164 https://doi.org/10.24036/jess.v4i2 Accessed May 3, 2023. |
Furthermore, the research findings by Ema (2017) explain that this study proves that the implementation of e-performance has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. The research results by Veri et al. (2022) explain that the research provides empirical evidence that the implementation of e-performance in the Regional Personnel and Human Resource Development Agency (BKPSDM) of Sijunjung Regency successfully plays a role in improving organizational performance
[56] | Veri, Jhon Pratama, Niki, Irda, and Rosha, Zeshasina. Implementation Model of Performance Assessment Information System (EKinerja). Ekobistek Journal https://jmanupiyptk.org/ojs 2022 Vol. 11 No. 4 Pages: 403-411 Accessed May 3, 2023. |
However, this study differs from the research conducted by Gultom (2023), which states that the Application of Information Technology to Human Resource Performance in MICE Management has an influence but is not significant. The implementation of E-Kinerja for employees is quite good, as seen from the percentage of respondents who answered Strongly Agree (SA) and Agree (A) at a relatively high rate
[14] | Gultom, Liza, Khairunnisa and, Nurbaeti. 2023. The Effect of Information Technology Implementation on Human Resource Performance in MICE Organizations. JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1 JMPP: 158. https://doi.org/10.23887/jmpp.v6i1.58371 |
. However, there are several statements that need to be noted, namely:
However, this study differs from the research findings, as there are employees who report activities that do not align with the established workload.
1. There are employees whose work has not exceeded the normal workload of 6750 minutes and have not been able to complete main and additional tasks beyond the normal workload.
2. There are supervisors who validate activities that do not match the work performed by employees and vice versa.
The problematic indicators result in some employees not performing optimally. The researchers suggest that the Palembang City Government should develop the E-Kinerja system to be better and more effective. Additionally, the implementation of E-Kinerja in the Palembang City Government environment needs to be monitored and evaluated periodically.
The Influence of Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Based on the test results, Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government. This result is in accordance with the theory proposed by Kasmir that one of the factors influencing performance is Work Discipline
[25] | Kasmir. 2016. Human Resource Management (Theory and Practice). 1st printing. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. |
This research is in line with the study conducted by Wahyuni et al. (2021), which shows that the Direct Effect test results indicate that the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at Batiqa Hotel and Pesonna Hotel in Pekanbaru
[58] | Wahyuni, Sisi. 2020. The Effect of E-Performance Implementation and Integrity on Employee Performance. JESS (Journal of Education on Social Science). Volume 4 Number 2, pp. 153-164 https://doi.org/10.24036/jess.v4i2 Accessed May 3, 2023. |
. However, the results of this study are not in line with Irawan et al. (2021), who stated that partially, work discipline does not affect employee performance at the Serpong District Office. The percentage of respondents who answered Strongly Agree (SA) and Agree (A) is quite high
. This indicates that employee discipline is quite good. However, there are several statements that need to be noted, namely:
1. There are employees who behave inappropriately according to the existing regulations when there is no supervision from superiors.
2. There are employees who violate the norms of employee disciplinary regulations.
3. There are employees who do not complete tasks on time and are less responsible in completing their work.
Several problematic indicators as mentioned above, the researchers suggest improving the evaluation and enforcement of employee discipline regulations within the Palembang City Government, carried out by both direct supervisors and Regional Device Organizations that have the function of monitoring, evaluating, and fostering the discipline of Civil Servants.
The Influence of E-Performance on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Based on the test results, E-Kinerja has a positive and significant effect on the motivation of civil servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government. The test results show a path coefficient value of 0.3102 with T-Values = 3.8045 > 1.96. The results of this study are in accordance with the theory according to Saydam in Kadarisman which explains that E-Kinerja as a prerequisite is a factor that influences employee motivation
[28] | Kadarisman, M. 2012. Compensation Management. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers. |
The research results are not in line with the study conducted by Nurhayati (2017), which explains that motivation cannot mediate the influence of E-Performance implementation on employee performance
[35] | Nurhayati, Ema. 2017. The Effect of Implementing the E-Performance and Competency Assessment System on Employee Performance in East Semarang District Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable. Journal of Economic and Business Research. Pages: 79 – 91 (accessed November 10, 2022). |
. This means that the higher the employees' ability to optimize the prestige given by their superiors, strive to act independently, and utilize existing opportunities to excel, it does not affect the employees' ability to implement E-Performance to improve employee performance. This is because in implementing E-Performance, employees do not need motivation from their superiors; E-Performance is an obligation from the central government to be applied to every civil servant, not directly from their superiors.
The Influence of Work Discipline on the Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Based on the test results, Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on the Motivation of Civil Servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government. The test results show a path coefficient of 0.3042 with a T-Value of 3.7687 > 1.96. The results of this study are consistent with the theory according to Saydam in Kadarisman (2012), which explains that work discipline towards applicable regulations is a factor that influences employee motivation
[28] | Kadarisman, M. 2012. Compensation Management. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers. |
The results of this study are in line with the research conducted by Wahyuni et al. (2021), which shows that the Direct Effect test obtained the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on work motivation at Hotel Batiqa and Hotel Pesonna in Pekanbaru
[58] | Wahyuni, Sisi. 2020. The Effect of E-Performance Implementation and Integrity on Employee Performance. JESS (Journal of Education on Social Science). Volume 4 Number 2, pp. 153-164 https://doi.org/10.24036/jess.v4i2 Accessed May 3, 2023. |
. Additionally, the research conducted by Hidayah and Pribadi (2011) found that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on work motivation at the Marine and Fisheries Office of Semarang City
The Influence of Motivation on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government.
Based on the test results, motivation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of civil servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government. The test results show a path coefficient value of 0.5134 with T-Values = 6.6349 > 1.96. These results align with the theory proposed by Kasmir that one of the factors influencing performance is Work Motivation
[25] | Kasmir. 2016. Human Resource Management (Theory and Practice). 1st printing. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. |
. Additionally, these results are also consistent with the theory proposed by Mangkunegara (2017) that the factors influencing performance are ability factors and motivation factors. The Motivation Factor is the condition that drives employees in a directed manner towards achieving organizational goals
[31] | Mangkunegara. 2017. Corporate Resource Management. Bandung: PT. |
This research is in line with the study conducted by Priyatno (2022) which found a significant influence of motivation on the performance of employees at PT. Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri
[43] | Priyatno, Hadi, Suratman. 2022. The Influence of Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri. PARAMETER JOURNAL, Volume 7 No. 1, Page. 109 - 122 |
. In addition, Kumarawati et al. (2017) analyzed the influence of motivation on Work Discipline and Employee Performance at the regional secretariat of Denpasar City
[29] | Tupti, Z., & Arif, M. (2020). The Influence Of Discipline And Motivation On Employee Performance. International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences (Injects), 1(2), 61–69. https://doi.org/10.53695/injects.v1i1.150 |
. Data were obtained through questionnaires from 69 respondents. The analysis technique used is Partial Least Square (PLS) Version 20. The research findings indicate that motivation significantly has a positive impact on employee performance. However, this research is not in line with the findings of Hidayat's (2021) study, which concluded that motivation does not affect the performance of employees at PT. Surya Yoda Indonesia. This means that motivation cannot improve employee performance
The percentage of respondents who answered Strongly Agree (SA) and Agree (A) is quite high. This indicates that employee motivation is quite good. Nevertheless, there are several statements that need to be noted, namely:
1. There are employees who are not yet motivated to excel in their work, and employee performance has not yet been evaluated based on work performance.
2. There are employees who have not yet taken the initiative to participate in competency development training or seek opportunities for job promotion.
Several problematic indicators as mentioned above, the researchers suggest that the Palembang City Government provide support and actively motivate employees to excel in their work, participate in competency development training, and seek opportunities for promotion to improve employee performance.
The findings of this study align with existing research in several aspects while also diverging in others. Consistently, this study confirms that E-Performance and work discipline positively and significantly influence motivation and employee performance. These findings are consistent with prior studies, such as those by Manora et al. (2021) and Wahyuni (2020), which demonstrated that implementing electronic systems effectively enhances employee performance. Moreover, the study's observation that motivation mediates the relationship between E-Performance and employee performance supports Herzberg’s motivation theory, which emphasizes the role of recognition and rewards in improving performance.
However, some discrepancies emerge when comparing these findings with other studies. For instance, while this research highlights gaps in the practical implementation of E-Performance—such as employees reporting activities that do not align with their main duties—prior studies, like Veri et al. (2022), have suggested that E-Performance systems were more uniformly successful. Additionally, this study’s conclusion that motivation mediates the effect of E-Performance contradicts Nurhayati’s (2017) findings, which argued otherwise. These differences may arise from variations in organizational context, work culture, or the evaluation methods used.
This study has certain limitations that should be considered when interpreting its results. First, the reliance on self-reported performance data introduces potential biases, such as over-reporting or under-reporting, which could affect the accuracy of the findings. Second, the sample was limited to 120 civil servants at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City, making it difficult to generalize the results to other populations or institutions. Third, while the study focused on E-Performance, work discipline, and motivation, other variables—such as organizational culture, leadership styles, or external factors—were not explored, potentially leaving out critical influencers of performance. Lastly, the use of cross-sectional data limits the ability to observe long-term causal effects. Future research should employ longitudinal designs to capture how changes in E-Performance systems, discipline, and motivation influence performance over time.
6. Conclusions
1. E-Kinerja has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Civil Servants in the Regional Secretariat of the Palembang City Government. To maximize its impact, the E-Performance system should include more comprehensive evaluation mechanisms. These mechanisms must ensure that employee inputs align with their primary duties and organizational goals. Supervisors should also receive targeted training to validate performance reports with greater accuracy, reducing inconsistencies and ensuring fair assessments. Furthermore, the system should undergo periodic monitoring and evaluation to identify weaknesses and implement necessary improvements, ensuring its continuous relevance and effectiveness.
2. Expanding the E-Performance system to other regions is essential to improve public sector performance on a broader scale. This expansion should consider regional differences in work culture and resources by providing tailored training programs for employees and supervisors. Additionally, sharing best practices from successful implementations, such as in Palembang City, can serve as a valuable guide for other local governments to adopt the system effectively and efficiently.
3. Long-Term Contributions this study highlights the critical role of motivation and work discipline as mediators that amplify the effectiveness of technology-driven systems like E-Performance. Addressing gaps in the current system and investing in capacity-building for employees and supervisors will enable governments to foster a more accountable and efficient workforce. This, in turn, will enhance individual and organizational performance, contributing to the achievement of broader governance objectives.
4. The sustained implementation of E-Performance systems can help instill a culture of excellence, transparency, and fairness in civil servant performance management. Over time, this shift will not only improve employee performance but also strengthen public trust in government institutions by ensuring that public services are delivered efficiently and equitably.
7. Limitations and Future Research
This section When interpreting the results of this study, several limitations should be taken into consideration. First, the sample size was limited to 120 respondents, all of whom were civil servants at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City. This made the results less applicable to other populations or different governmental institutions. Future research could expand the sample size and include more diverse organizational contexts to make the results more applicable.
Secondly, the study used self-reported data, which may be subject to biases like social desirability and recall inaccuracies. In future research, using a mixed-methods approach or incorporating third-party evaluations could help get a better picture of the relationships between the variables.
Thirdly, penelitian ini berfokus pada tiga unsur utama yang mempengaruhi kinerja pekerja: e-performance, work discipline, dan motivation. Namun, walaupun unsur-unsur ini penting, variabilitas tambahan, seperti budaya organisasi, gaya leadership, dan faktor-faktor eksternal, dapat memengaruhi kinerja pekerja. Di masa mendatang, penelitian mungkin menggabungkan unsur-unsur lainnya untuk membuat model yang lebih luas tentang kinerja pekerja.
Finally, cross-sectional data limits the ability to draw causal inferences over time. Sangat disarankan untuk melakukan studi jangka panjang untuk mengamati bagaimana perubahan dalam sistem E-Performance, disiplin kerja, dan motivasi mempengaruhi kinerja pekerja selama periode waktu yang lebih lama.
TPP | Additional Employee Income |
E-Kinerja | Electronic Performance System |
SEM | Structural Equation Modeling |
BKPSDM | Regional Civil Service and Human Resource Development Agency |
ASN | State Civil Apparatus |
OPD | Regional Government Organization |
MICE | Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions |
The authors would like to thank Palembang City's Regional Government Secretariat for their assistance and collaboration in supplying the data required for this research. We would especially like to thank the BKPSDM crew for their invaluable ideas and help during the data collection process. We also value the suggestions and advice from Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang colleagues, which significantly improved the caliber of this study. Finally, we would like to thank the study participants for their time and willingness to share their experiences.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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APA Style
Fatimah, Tobari, Rahmawati, K., Fitriah, W. (2025). E-Kinerja and Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City. Science Journal of Business and Management, 13(1), 35-48. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sjbm.20251301.13
ACS Style
Fatimah; Tobari; Rahmawati, K.; Fitriah, W. E-Kinerja and Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City. Sci. J. Bus. Manag. 2025, 13(1), 35-48. doi: 10.11648/j.sjbm.20251301.13
AMA Style
Fatimah, Tobari, Rahmawati K, Fitriah W. E-Kinerja and Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City. Sci J Bus Manag. 2025;13(1):35-48. doi: 10.11648/j.sjbm.20251301.13
author = {Fatimah and Tobari and Kartika Rahmawati and Wani Fitriah},
title = {E-Kinerja and Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City
journal = {Science Journal of Business and Management},
volume = {13},
number = {1},
pages = {35-48},
doi = {10.11648/j.sjbm.20251301.13},
url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sjbm.20251301.13},
eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.sjbm.20251301.13},
abstract = {This study aims to investigate the influence of E-Performance (E-Kinerja) and Work Discipline on the performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City, with Motivation as an intervening variable. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and LISREL software, the research evaluates responses from 120 civil servants selected through proportional sampling. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the direct and indirect relationships among variables. The findings reveal that E-Performance and Work Discipline significantly and positively affect employee performance. Motivation plays a critical mediating role, enhancing the relationship between both E-Performance and Work Discipline with performance. These results highlight the practical value of E-Performance systems, such as improving the objectivity and accountability of performance evaluations while fostering fairness in the allocation of performance-based incentives. Additionally, the study emphasizes the necessity of robust work discipline policies to support an efficient and effective governance environment. The results contribute to advancing performance management systems by demonstrating the synergistic effects of technology integration and human resource development strategies in governmental organizations. Daerah Pemerintah Kota Palembang. Motivation significantly mediates the relationship between Work Discipline and Performance of Government Employees of Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Kota Palembang.
year = {2025}
T1 - E-Kinerja and Work Discipline on the Performance of Civil Servants Through Motivation as an Intervening Variable at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City
AU - Fatimah
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AU - Wani Fitriah
Y1 - 2025/02/17
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DO - 10.11648/j.sjbm.20251301.13
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JF - Science Journal of Business and Management
JO - Science Journal of Business and Management
SP - 35
EP - 48
PB - Science Publishing Group
SN - 2331-0634
UR - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.sjbm.20251301.13
AB - This study aims to investigate the influence of E-Performance (E-Kinerja) and Work Discipline on the performance of Civil Servants at the Regional Government Secretariat of Palembang City, with Motivation as an intervening variable. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and LISREL software, the research evaluates responses from 120 civil servants selected through proportional sampling. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the direct and indirect relationships among variables. The findings reveal that E-Performance and Work Discipline significantly and positively affect employee performance. Motivation plays a critical mediating role, enhancing the relationship between both E-Performance and Work Discipline with performance. These results highlight the practical value of E-Performance systems, such as improving the objectivity and accountability of performance evaluations while fostering fairness in the allocation of performance-based incentives. Additionally, the study emphasizes the necessity of robust work discipline policies to support an efficient and effective governance environment. The results contribute to advancing performance management systems by demonstrating the synergistic effects of technology integration and human resource development strategies in governmental organizations. Daerah Pemerintah Kota Palembang. Motivation significantly mediates the relationship between Work Discipline and Performance of Government Employees of Sekretariat Daerah Pemerintah Kota Palembang.
VL - 13
IS - 1
ER -