Research Article
Synthesis and Characterization of Cerium Metal Organic Frameworks (Ce-UiO-66) and Its Inorganic Hybrids
Dingetegna Godana Boynito,
Abi Taddesse Mengesha*
Neelaiah Babu G.
Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2025
10 October 2024
20 November 2024
17 January 2025
Abstract: Applications of metal-organic frameworks. Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) as exciting type of organic/inorganic hybrid materials have attracted great focus of scientists in the last two decades. The objective of this study was to synthesize Ce-UiO-66 and its inorganic hybrids (CdS/Ce-UiO-66/Ag3PO4) and characterize the synthesize cerium metal organic frameworks (Ce-UiO-66) and its inorganic hybrids. All the materials in this work were prepared via hydrothermal synthesis and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) hyphenated with energy dispersive x-ray (EDX). From XRD data, peaks at 28.2, 29, 46.7 and 48.7 suggests the occurrence of CeO2. The three typical diffraction peaks observe at 2θ values of 26.67, 44.00 and 52.05 corresponding to miller indices of (100), (202) and (311) could be ascribed to the hawleyite structure of CdS. For the (1:1) ratio of CdS to Ce-Uio-66/Ag3PO4 the XRD result reveal that the MOF structure disappeared making it more amorphous when compare to the other ratios. As the result, no diffraction peak attributable to Ag3PO4 was observed. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) hyphenated with energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis for all the inorganic hybrids raveal that all the distinct morphologies shown in their single phase vanished upon composite formation evidencing the well mix of each components. The EDX spectra in all cases show the presence of each component in the ternary system. Generally, in this research we focus on the synthesis of Ce-MOF and its inorganic hybrids and characterizations were studied. All the as-synthesized materials fall in the nanoscale.
Abstract: Applications of metal-organic frameworks. Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) as exciting type of organic/inorganic hybrid materials have attracted great focus of scientists in the last two decades. The objective of this study was to synthesize Ce-UiO-66 and its inorganic hybrids (CdS/Ce-UiO-66/Ag3PO4) and characterize the synthesize cerium metal organ...
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Review Article
Review: Influence of the Size of Plant Aggregates on the Microstructure, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Stabilised Adobe Blocks
Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2025
29 November 2024
30 December 2024
16 January 2025
Abstract: The primary objective of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the influence of the length and type of plant aggregates on the enhancement of the microstructural and physico-mechanical properties of developed adobe bricks. To this end, a clay soil composed of kaolinite (28 wt%), quartz (49 wt%), goethite (7 wt%), and muscovite (9 wt%) with moderate plasticity was used to prepare adobes reinforced with fonio straws, rice husks, or kenaf fibres (Hibiscus altissima) measuring 1.5 or 3 cm in length at varying contents up to 1 wt%. The physical, mechanical, and microstructural characteristics of the adobes were evaluated. The incorporation of plant aggregates generally improved the microstructure, physical, and mechanical properties of the reinforced adobes. This improvement is primarily attributed to the homogeneous microstructure of the adobes with fewer pores, strong adhesion between the plant aggregates and the clay matrix, the prevention of crack propagation in the composites, and the cellulose content in the aggregates. The presence of aggregates in the clay matrix rendered the composite material ductile, exhibiting at least two failure peaks: one due to the breakdown of the clay matrix and the others attributed to the load-bearing capacity of the aggregates following matrix cracking. Adobes reinforced with kenaf fibres exhibited the best thermal conductivity and flexural strength, while those reinforced with rice husks demonstrated superior compressive strength and water erosion resistance due to the acceptable silica content in the husks. According to applicable standards, adobes containing plant aggregates at concentrations not exceeding 0.4 wt% are suitable for constructing thermally comfortable housing.
Abstract: The primary objective of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the influence of the length and type of plant aggregates on the enhancement of the microstructural and physico-mechanical properties of developed adobe bricks. To this end, a clay soil composed of kaolinite (28 wt%), quartz (49 wt%), goethite (7 wt%), and muscovite (9 wt%) ...
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Review Article
Review Article: Ferrites in Wide Novel Medical Applications
Jameel Mohammed Ameen Sulaiman*
Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2025
15 December 2024
5 January 2025
26 February 2025
Abstract: The magnetic nanoparticle materials of ferrites or ferromagnetic oxides; are enormously rapid growing and still developing due to the urgent need for their scientific importance in many applied uses, so it is not surprising that these materials are at the forefront of sales that achieve a good economic recourse for countries that depend on the strengthening industries that they directly enter, thus, it is a strong candidate for continuous scientific research and development. However, this article review will be focused on the most important field that have been used in recent years, the wide novel medical applications of biomaterials. Ferrite characteristics of the magnetic systems and crystal structure, besides the methods of preparation, will be discussed, lastly, the applications in the biomaterials including; diagnosis, therapeutics, control, enhanced MRI imaging, magnetic hyperthermia cancer treatment, targeted drug and gene delivery, bio-labeling & bio-sensing, antimicrobial agents, and treatment of diseases will be briefly discussed.
Abstract: The magnetic nanoparticle materials of ferrites or ferromagnetic oxides; are enormously rapid growing and still developing due to the urgent need for their scientific importance in many applied uses, so it is not surprising that these materials are at the forefront of sales that achieve a good economic recourse for countries that depend on the stre...
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