Research Article
Real-time Air Quality Mapping and Its Implications on Air Pollution Management in Bangladesh
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
12 November 2024
13 December 2024
17 January 2025
Abstract: This paper analyses the impact of recent developments of disruptive technologies in assessing air pollution, especially the real-time Air Quality (AQ) mapping at regional scale for Bangladesh. These technologies enable better delineation of local air pollution sources, as the local wind impact under suitable circumstances can strip away the contribution of transported air pollutants from long distance sources. The new understanding from disruptive technologies (i.e., real-time AQ maps and levels), can help reassessment of the existing data and better estimation of the contribution from local and pollutants transported from long distance. Such maps obviate the need for regional modelling using global data bases for air quality issues which provide static information and even the local emission inventory-based dispersion modelling can be dispensed with in some cases. The availability of the site-specific web-based AQ data provided by these new tools also reduces the need for the current practice of dense AQ monitoring (i.e., population-based physical monitoring stations). The potential application of the information available from the new technologies in Bangladesh is illustrated in this paper. The source apportionment studies for Dhaka so far, attributed the pollution due to coal burning in Brick kilns as 58 percent. These studies couldn’t assess the contribution of the transboundary pollution. An inventory-based dispersion modelling work concluded that the contribution of local brick kilns to the ambient air pollution due to coal burning in the kilns to be only 13.6 percent on yearly basis. With this data and evidence from real-time AQ maps, it can be deduced that a large percentage of the pollution due to coal burning is contributed by the transboundary sources. The paper also illustrates the relevance of some air quality management measures implemented by the Government in the light of the findings and concludes that the local measures for air pollution control may not have a major impact in reducing overall annual average levels of Particulate Matter (PM) in Dhaka or in the country. These measures however can reduce population exposure in local airsheds; for example, by reducing the pollution from the brick kilns near urban population centers and also reduction of local pollution exposure from large point sources. The paper also discusses the evidence on the emerging threats of potential severe air pollution (as observed in the real-time AQ maps) from new large coal fired power plants in Bangladesh.
Abstract: This paper analyses the impact of recent developments of disruptive technologies in assessing air pollution, especially the real-time Air Quality (AQ) mapping at regional scale for Bangladesh. These technologies enable better delineation of local air pollution sources, as the local wind impact under suitable circumstances can strip away the contrib...
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Research Article
Effect of Land Use Types and Slope on Selected Soil Physicochemical Properties in Bubisa Watershed, Adea Berga District, Central Ethiopia
Ajema Lemma*
Tesfaye Wakgari,
Gizachew Kebede
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
6 December 2024
31 December 2024
22 January 2025
Abstract: Soil physicochemical properties can be affected by different land use type in Ethiopia. The nutrient content of soil in the three sites was varied based on; soil management systems, organic inputs and other factors. Cognizant of this fact, research was conducted in Bubisa Watershed to evaluate the effect of different land use types and slope on selected physicochemical properties of soil. Accordingly, lands such as; crop, grazing and forest land were nominated and twenty seven (27) core and composite soil samples were collected from 0-20 cm layers. Soil analysis was done and the highest (1.29 g cm-3) bulk density was recorded on the upper slope of crop land and lower (0.99 g cm-3) on the lower slope of forest land. Total porosity and Available water holding capacity were high (60.02%; 172 mm/m) in forest land and lower (49.56%); 152 mm/m) in crop land respectively. Soil pH was high in forest land and low in crop land soils. The result of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen were also high (4.51%; 0.22%) in forest land and low (1.4; 0.15) crop land soils, respectively. Moreover, CEC and basic cations varied across the three sites and high in forest land and low in crop land in the study watershed. Based on the results, it was concluded that forest has high concentration of soil nutrients except bulk density than crop land. As recommendation, studies should be expanded to provide more conclusive recommendation to have qualified; productive soils and estimate the effect of land use types and slope on soil properties for sustainable agricultural productivity.
Abstract: Soil physicochemical properties can be affected by different land use type in Ethiopia. The nutrient content of soil in the three sites was varied based on; soil management systems, organic inputs and other factors. Cognizant of this fact, research was conducted in Bubisa Watershed to evaluate the effect of different land use types and slope on sel...
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Research Article
A GIS Based Study for Air Quality Monitoring of Bikaner City, Rajasthan
Anil Kumar Dular*,
Yash Sharma
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
23 November 2024
17 December 2024
17 February 2025
Abstract: The undesirable change in any gaseous substance present in ambient air in such concentration that may tends to be injurious to human beings and other living creature, plant, property. These substances which are responsible for such undesirable changes called air pollutants. A developmental activity like urbanization leads to potent impact on our surrounding environment, many cities around the world become more congested, concerns increase over the level of urban air pollution being generated and in particular its impact on localized human health. An attempt has been made in this study on yearly basis, pertaining to air quality standards of Bikaner city as one prominent city in the state of Rajasthan. Bikaner is the city which lies in desertic region of western Rajasthan is prominently as one of the air pollutant area affected generally by fine dust particles due to composition of soil as gypsum ingredient, despite that agricultural practices are also on large scale other factors like mining in adjoining areas, natural dust storm, three highways passes through and railway network is stretching within city is matter of concern. The study reveals that many times city has become declared as worst polluted city in India especially in context to suspended particulate matters. Some strategic location has been choosen for study which extrapolate the cause condition relationship between air pollution and their both fugitive and nonfugitive sources. The help has been taken from regional office of pollution control board as well as free samplings undertaken by researcher by using high volume sampler. The purpose of study is reveal the data in consonance of previous study that how these pollution datas are keep going in simulation for further mitigative measures and studies.
Abstract: The undesirable change in any gaseous substance present in ambient air in such concentration that may tends to be injurious to human beings and other living creature, plant, property. These substances which are responsible for such undesirable changes called air pollutants. A developmental activity like urbanization leads to potent impact on our su...
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Research Article
The 6-9-Day Wave and the Spatial Distribution of Air Temperature in Northern Africa in Summer: Inter - Annual Variability
Zephirin Yepdo-Djomou*
David Monkam
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
25 January 2025
13 February 2025
26 February 2025
Abstract: The composite method is used to analyse 6-9 day waves and air temperature over North Africa during the summer of 1981-1990. Based on the daily outputs of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the results of this study demonstrate that a large peak in the 6-9 days band (at 7.2 days) in the power spectra of the zonal wind component at 700 hPa during summer 1981 has been found. The waves were clearly visible in the filtered (around 7.2 days) and even in the unfiltered series of the zonal wind component. The structure of the 6-9 day waves shows two opposing circulation vortices on both sides of latitude 12.5N, with the maximum (minimum) temperature anomaly appearing around 15N - 25N above the equator. In addition, these vortices are associated with anomalies in the meridional component of the northerly (southerly) wind, which are respectively connected to the maximum (minimum) temperature anomalies. The spatial configuration of the waves also shows strong temperature modulations associated with the disturbed meridional component of the wind, mainly north of 20°N, and for summers when these waves are very active, there is an opposition of signs between the temperature anomalies to the north-east and to the north-west in the areas of the Libyan and Azores highs. Due to the strong influences of the Libyan and Azores highs, a distribution of opposite surface level pressure (SLP) values is also observed. On the contrary, when these waves were not active, this opposition of signs in the composite of the air temperature anomalies did not exist and the isopleths tended to be paralleled to the parallels of latitude, and the filtered SLP anomalies had the same sing in the two anticyclones areas. Thus, the appearance and/or activity of the 6 to 9 day waves could be linked to the existence of a phase opposition between these two anticyclones. This study reinforces our understanding of the involvement of atmospheric dynamic and thermodynamic processes in the variation and evolution of waves in North Africa.
Abstract: The composite method is used to analyse 6-9 day waves and air temperature over North Africa during the summer of 1981-1990. Based on the daily outputs of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the results of this study demonstrate that a large peak in the 6-9 days band (at 7.2 days) in the power spectra of the zonal wind component at 700 hPa during summer 1981 ...
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