Analysis of Research–Extension-Farmers Linkage: The Case of Dangila District, Ethiopia
Wasihun Alemnew,
Azanaw Abebe
Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023
8 July 2022
20 September 2022
28 February 2023
Abstract: The extension system in Ethiopia is used pipeline extension model, which researchers develop technology, extension workers act as technology disseminator and farmers are technology users. Such top-down approach characterized by separate involvement of actors limits the farmers’ opportunity to get knowledge and skills on the technology. The overall aim of the study was to identify and describe the linkages and linkage mechanisms among research- extension-farmers. Simple random, snowball and purposive sampling techniques were used for selecting respondents and study area for this study. The data collection tools also included interview schedules, questionnaires, and check lists. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and mann-whitney U-test non parametric statistical tool. The mann-whitney U test analysis result indicated that, linkages between research-extension and farmers show that, extension workers had strong linkage with farmers in the process of technology transfer and there is no statistically significance on the ratings of linkages between extension workers with researchers and farmers’ with researchers. The linkage mechanisms also indicated that, trainings, method demonstrations and field visit linkage mechanisms were frequently and commonly used by majority of the partners. In conclusion, the linkages between farmers with researcher and extension with research were weak that needs strengthen through joint implementation of linkage mechanisms. In general perspective role of linkages in the process of technology transfer in Ethiopia were weak. The major reasons were non/little involvement of farmers in the research system, top-down approach and poor use of linkage mechanisms.
Abstract: The extension system in Ethiopia is used pipeline extension model, which researchers develop technology, extension workers act as technology disseminator and farmers are technology users. Such top-down approach characterized by separate involvement of actors limits the farmers’ opportunity to get knowledge and skills on the technology. The overall ...
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Legal Status Until 2016 of the Land Fund, Labor, Salary and Performance in the Agricultural Sector of the Trinidad Municipality
Delvis Valdés Zayas,
Ismery Dayami Pujol Bandomo,
Reynaldo Ramírez Piñeda,
Eduardo Águila Turiño,
Teresa Turiño López,
Gonzalo López Castro
Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023
4 May 2022
17 May 2022
16 March 2023
Abstract: The present work realized by specialists of the agricultural sector of the Municipal University Center of Trinidad, in the period between the years 2011 and 2016, through compilation, analysis and comparison of data supplied by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Cuba, allows to establish an assessment of the situation of the agricultural sector of that territory, in relation to the situation of the use of the land fund, labor, and salary, in the aforementioned period of time. Observing that regardless of the political will of the authorities of the party and the government in the municipality, besides being legally established the delivery of land in usufruct, there were up to 2016 of the total agricultural area of the territory a total 11 800 has declared idle and another 11 600 ha not fit, this last figure is alarming, since they are declared unfit land within the agricultural area, so it is a limitation when expanding the plantings of different crops, necessary to achieve the necessary food self-sufficiency that the municipality must achieve and its possible delivery in usufruct according to the current Decree Law 258, when comparing this data with another municipality of our country chosen at random, it can be observed that it has also been delinquent in this action. On the other hand, it shows the decrease in the workforce in the sector, from 5,302 workers in 2012, to 535, in 2016, being a significant difference and that also hinders the aspirations of growth and increase of productions, which in turn are necessary for the achievement of the objectives proposed by the same, you can also find data regarding the behavior of the salary which are also not favorable.
Abstract: The present work realized by specialists of the agricultural sector of the Municipal University Center of Trinidad, in the period between the years 2011 and 2016, through compilation, analysis and comparison of data supplied by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Cuba, allows to establish an assessment of the situation of the agric...
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Implications of Cross Border Proliferation of Small and Light Weapons (SALWs) for Nigeria’s National Security: A Study of Kaduna State, 2010-2020
Agaba Halidu,
Upkabio Emmanuel Dennis
Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023
25 May 2022
2 August 2022
16 March 2023
Abstract: This work examined the security implications of the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALWs) in Nigeria laying more emphasis on Kaduna State. The work relied on both primary and secondary data. For the primary data, they were obtained through an in-depth interview with key stakeholders who are abreast with issues of the subject matter, this included all three arms of the armed forces, the police, customs, immigration, and those who have been victims of attack and culprits who were arrested with SALWs. While secondary data were sourced from textbooks, journal articles, seminar papers, and newspapers, among others on the subject matter. The work adopted the relative deprivation theory as a framework of analysis. Findings of the work show that there were serious security implications of the proliferation of SALWs for Kaduna state which has led to an increase in crime rate, political violence, conflicts, and disruption of economic activities within the period under review. The study, therefore, recommends inter-agency and bilateral cooperation on border patrol, adequate equipment and training of security personnel, proper remuneration for security agents, improved government policies and framework to grow the economy and create jobs, strict adherence to prescribing laws and regulations governing the possession and use of small arms and light weapons among others.
Abstract: This work examined the security implications of the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALWs) in Nigeria laying more emphasis on Kaduna State. The work relied on both primary and secondary data. For the primary data, they were obtained through an in-depth interview with key stakeholders who are abreast with issues of the subject matter,...
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A Comparative Study of the Influence of Advertising on the Brand Performance of Carbonated Soft Drinks: A Study of Coca-Cola and Pepsi Company in Nigeria
Akinrinade Samuel Adewuyi
Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023
30 May 2022
5 August 2022
16 March 2023
Abstract: Consumers are so much conscious and sensitive in case of selecting brand. This study investigates a comparative study of the influence of advertising on the brand performance of carbonated soft drinks. If there is one requirement to provide businesses a competitive edge in this highly competitive times, it is the necessity for efficient and effective advertising. Since so much money is spent on advertising, analyzing its effects is still essential for businesses, especially those involved in the collusive oligopolistic soft drink market where advertising helps to differentiate products from competitors. With specific reference to Coca-Cola and Pepsi advertisements on the performance of carbonated soft drinks, this study primarily examines the extent to which advertising influences customers' purchasing decisions. The research's methodology included a poll of 400 participants, and the results showed that advertising has a beneficial effect on consumer consumption in Nigeria's soft drink market. Today, it was determined, it is crucial to maintain customers' loyalty to a company's goods, necessitating the development of effective advertising methods like brand equity to stop customers from being disloyal to the brand. A survey was conducted by a significant number of respondents have been influences by the adverts of Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
Abstract: Consumers are so much conscious and sensitive in case of selecting brand. This study investigates a comparative study of the influence of advertising on the brand performance of carbonated soft drinks. If there is one requirement to provide businesses a competitive edge in this highly competitive times, it is the necessity for efficient and effecti...
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