Research Article
Cinematizing Women’s Struggles: Gendered Laws in Sofia (2018)
Hind El Fellak*
Abdelghanie Ennam
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
7 October 2024
11 December 2024
7 February 2025
Abstract: How can feminist filmmakers use film as a counter-discourse to subvert hegemonic gender norms in a context where gendered ideologies and laws are iconized and strongly enforced? While much of the existing literature focuses on gender representation in Arab cinema, there is a significant gap in research examining how filmmakers in the Maghreb, particularly Morocco, engage with law, gender, and agency to de-stereotype saturated clichés indoctrinated in religious and popular culture (for example, hchouma and fitna). This paper tackles this gap by analyzing Sofia (2018), directed by Meryem Benm’Barek, through feminist film theory, decolonial feminism, and theories of agency. Using qualitative methods, such as intertextual discourse and thematic analysis, this study examines how the film deconstructs the ambivalence of female agency in challenging restrictive gender ideologies and laws. In particular, the study raises important questions about how post-colonial filmmakers balance the exposure of gender inequalities while avoiding reductive (re)presentations of women and resisting Western stereotypes about Third World women and societies. The findings foreground Moroccan feminist cinema as a powerful site for cultural resistance, gender norms contestation, and enunciation.
Abstract: How can feminist filmmakers use film as a counter-discourse to subvert hegemonic gender norms in a context where gendered ideologies and laws are iconized and strongly enforced? While much of the existing literature focuses on gender representation in Arab cinema, there is a significant gap in research examining how filmmakers in the Maghreb, parti...
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Research Article
A Study of Interactive Video Resource Teaching Model in Universities
Shuo Zhao*
Yijie He
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
16 January 2025
13 February 2025
20 February 2025
Abstract: The article introduces the essence of interactive teaching which is to promote students’ self-directed learning, inquiry-based learning and collaborative learning to fully exert learning subjectivity. Then it clarifies the mode of interactive video teaching used in university education between individuals and between individuals and devices, mainly composed of interactive devices, interactive subjects and interactive behaviors. Next it analyzes the mode of interactive video teaching, which consists of interactive devices, interactive subjects, interactive behaviors, etc. The application of interactive videos resources is studied in creating teaching scenarios, effectively exploring teaching, innovating teaching modes, changing evaluation methods, and storing dynamic resources. Further it analyzes the curriculum system and evaluation system, software and hardware facilities, and teaching supervision so as to provide corresponding inspiration for teacher teaching and school management. Based on the above research and problems discovered during the review process, the article provides some opinions and suggestions from several aspects such as educators, teaching managers, software and hardware equipments. First, in terms of instructional design, educators can make more use of the characteristics of interactive video teaching to meet the learning needs of students with different learning styles. Second, in terms of teaching process, teachers can use the generative function of interactive video teaching to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning atmosphere. Third, in terms of teaching strategies, teachers should combine teaching content to formulate corresponding learning goals and continuously improve educational and teaching strategies. Fourth, in terms of post-class testing, teachers will utilize the storage function of the interactive video resource library to enable learners to review the learned content after class and effectively expand students’ different learning needs. Fifth, universities will regularly conduct training in interactive video teaching to enhance the literacy and ability of teachers and learners in using interactive videos. At last, universities will establish interactive video teaching and research teams to conduct experimental teaching.
Abstract: The article introduces the essence of interactive teaching which is to promote students’ self-directed learning, inquiry-based learning and collaborative learning to fully exert learning subjectivity. Then it clarifies the mode of interactive video teaching used in university education between individuals and between individuals and devices, mainly...
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Research Article
Discerning Ethnicity, Religion and Politics as Instruments of Social Relegation: The Northern Nigerian Philosophy on the Babu Group
Reuben Turbi Luka*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
20 January 2025
1 February 2025
21 February 2025
Abstract: This paper examines the role of ethnicity, religion and politics as instruments of social relegation, with specific emphasis on the Babu people of Nigeria amidst an extant Northern philosophy. In order to thoroughly explore the concern of the study, the paper employs a descriptive—historical methodology to evaluate the Northern Mafias’ religious bigotry and exclusive treatment of the Babu group. Several variables were researched to buttress the argument that Religion has been the bane of social relegation in Nigeria, particularly in light of the Northern quest to relegate other groups, specifically non-Hausa/Fulani; non-Muslim groups into modern day slaves. To this end, the study contends that this legacy, launched by Othman Dan Fadio, has been the major cause of the oppression of the non-Muslims in Nigeria, particularly those of Northern Nigeria. In consequence, the study demonstrates how the Hausa/Fulani, Muslims have consistently marshalled the philosophy of divide and rule to place themselves at a cutting edge while the Babu group have been at the receiving end politically, socially, economically and religioulsy. Against this background, the paper argues that the church being the agent of transformation has a critical role in halting the usage of ethnicity, politics and religion over the autochthonous nationalities in the context of Nigeria’s socio-political and socio-economic situations. While the paper addresses the question, in what important ways can the church in Northern Nigeria halt the wrong usage of these ideologies, it contributes to the field of religion, sociology, economy and politics, demonstrating that in the context of Northern Nigeria, religion, ethnicity and politics have been employed to marginalized the Babu group, thereby, placing them at a disadvantage position socially, economically and politically.
Abstract: This paper examines the role of ethnicity, religion and politics as instruments of social relegation, with specific emphasis on the Babu people of Nigeria amidst an extant Northern philosophy. In order to thoroughly explore the concern of the study, the paper employs a descriptive—historical methodology to evaluate the Northern Mafias’ religious bi...
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Research Article
Contemporary Theological Relevance of the Incarnation: Addressing Human Suffering in the Nigerian Context
David Luka Gofwan*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
20 January 2025
10 February 2025
21 February 2025
Abstract: Nigeria is confronted with profound challenges related to human suffering, primarily driven by poverty, insecurity, corruption, and systemic inequality. These pressing issues raise significant theological and practical questions, especially concerning the capacity of Christian doctrines, such as the Incarnation, to engage with these harsh realities. This research investigates the contemporary theological significance of the Incarnation—the belief in God becoming human through Jesus Christ—as a means to comprehend and respond to human suffering within the Nigerian context. The main aim is to analyze how the Incarnation can foster hope, solidarity, and transformative initiatives to tackle Nigeria's socio-economic and political difficulties. Employing a theological and contextual approach, the study incorporates scriptural interpretation, doctrinal analysis, and socio-political examination. It also draws on insights from related disciplines, including sociology and political science, to provide a well-rounded perspective on the issues at hand. The findings indicate that the Incarnation demonstrate God's solidarity with human suffering, encourages compassionate involvement, and strengthens advocacy for justice. Additionally, it illustrates how the Nigerian church can embody the tenets of the Incarnation by engaging in holistic ministry, promoting reconciliation, and addressing systemic challenges through social advocacy. This research enhances understanding by presenting the Incarnation as a dual source of hope and a practical model for engagement, offering both theological and actionable insights aimed at alleviating suffering and fostering transformation in Nigeria
Abstract: Nigeria is confronted with profound challenges related to human suffering, primarily driven by poverty, insecurity, corruption, and systemic inequality. These pressing issues raise significant theological and practical questions, especially concerning the capacity of Christian doctrines, such as the Incarnation, to engage with these harsh realities...
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Review Article
The Man Subject as a Component of a Person: Concept, Function, Contents, Types and Faculties
Amâncio Maurício Xavier Rêgo*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
21 January 2025
7 February 2025
21 February 2025
Abstract: This article philosophically describes the Human Organism and the Man Subject. The general objective of this study was to philosophically analyze the Human Organism. The specific objectives were to identify the components of the Human Organism, to conceptualize the Man Subject, to differentiate the Man Subject from other elements of the Human Organism, to distinguish the Contents of the Man Subject from each other, to classify the Man Subject and to explain the faculties of the Man Subject that most affect their Serenity. The main materials used were the own Author of this article, the Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita, a video of Siamese twins, and two sons of the Author of this article. The methods used were Introspection with the practice of Attention, Bibliographical and Documentary research, Observation and simple Experimentation; each method used was accompanied by profound Reflections. The article contributes with a new vision about the components of the Human Organism, the concept of Man as a Subject, the Consciousness and the Mind, and explains the faculties of Man that most affect their Serenity. The Human Organism is formed by five elements, namely, Life, Man Subject, Consciousness, Mind and Body. The Life is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an uninfluenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that intuitively guides the Subject and administrates the Body. The Man Subject is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Contents and phenomena of the Organism according to guidelines from Life and or sources other than Life carrying out voluntary actions. The Consciousness is the set of Information of intuitive and or acculturative origin impregnated in the own Subject that establishes their pattern of innate tendencies and affective character. The Mind is the set of Information of reflective and or merely acculturative origin recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Subject's Body corresponding to the pattern of neuron connection and the flow of nerve impulses in the Brain that establish the Subject's daily behavior. The Body is the standardized set of materialized genetic information of hereditary origin that enables the visibility of the manifestation of the Life and the Subject. The frequent practice of the Think promotes attachment and causes Anxiety, however, the frequent practice of the Attention promotes detachment and causes Serenity.
Abstract: This article philosophically describes the Human Organism and the Man Subject. The general objective of this study was to philosophically analyze the Human Organism. The specific objectives were to identify the components of the Human Organism, to conceptualize the Man Subject, to differentiate the Man Subject from other elements of the Human Organ...
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Research Article
The Ego and the Other Dialectic in the Mariam Miriam Novel of Kamil Abu Hanish
Amal Abu Hanish*
Abdeljawad Abdeljawad
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
17 December 2024
1 February 2025
24 February 2025
Abstract: The relationship of the self with the other is always problematic, for the other as a cultural, religious or physical difference constitutes a horizon for the self, and part of our view of it, whether the other is presented as a peaceful partner, an invading entity, an arrogant occupier, or a compromising negotiator; he is always present in the public domain of self-awareness. Therefore, the other is the subject of both a temptation and source of precaution and caution. This study of the image of the other in the novel Mariam Miriam by the Palestinian writer Kamil Abu Hanish, published by the House of Adab in Beirut in 2019, on the Jew (the other), who forms the basis of the conflict between the self and the other on the real ground, will try to explain and clarify the image the writer draws in his narration of the self and the Jewish the other, which has been multifaceted since the beginning of the Arab-Zionist conflict and the establishment of their state. It is noteworthy that the writer is an educated left-wing Palestinian activist, who is serving a nine-life sentence in the Israeli occupation prisons. He has many novels, a poetry collection, dozens of studies, in addition to political and critical articles, that he has completed from his prison cells. Accordingly, how will the image of the ego and the other appear in this novel? The image of the other is not complete except through defining the image of the self, according to the approach of opposite mirrors. So, we have to trace how the ego portrays itself and its other within the author's imagination.
Abstract: The relationship of the self with the other is always problematic, for the other as a cultural, religious or physical difference constitutes a horizon for the self, and part of our view of it, whether the other is presented as a peaceful partner, an invading entity, an arrogant occupier, or a compromising negotiator; he is always present in the pub...
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Research Article
Corruption - A Common Social Phenomenon in the Orient from the Political Culture Perspective
Nguyen Minh Giang*
Cao Ngoc Thao Nhi
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
24 January 2025
22 February 2025
26 February 2025
Abstract: The Orient, encompassing a diverse array of regions and linguistic families across Asia, Oceania, and portions of Africa, manifests a distinctive sense of collective identity. This study, grounded in Marxist-Leninist theoretical frameworks, employs historical and logical analytical approaches to investigate the phenomenon of corruption within these regions, examining its evolution from ancient times to contemporary society. The conventional political culture of the Orient, shaped by geographical determinants, demographic attributes, and notably religious and belief systems, fosters a deep-seated reverence for authority and a delineated social hierarchy. Notable features include the emergence of personality cults, paternalistic governance, nepotism, and relationships characterized by patronage and clientelism. The influence of religion has often been appropriated to reinforce loyalty to the ruling elite. This cultural paradigm substantially contributes to the pervasive incidence of corruption within the Orient. It is evident across a multitude of sectors, involves a wide array of stakeholders, and permeates all levels of governance. The challenges of nepotism, factionalism, and the emphasis on personal connections—such as those rooted in ethnicity, familial ties, and regional affiliations—further exacerbate the issue. A coprehensive understanding of these entrenched cultural dimensions is essential for effectively addressing corruption in these regions.
Abstract: The Orient, encompassing a diverse array of regions and linguistic families across Asia, Oceania, and portions of Africa, manifests a distinctive sense of collective identity. This study, grounded in Marxist-Leninist theoretical frameworks, employs historical and logical analytical approaches to investigate the phenomenon of corruption within these...
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Research Article
The Effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Single Case Study Mixed Method
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
30 December 2024
16 January 2025
26 February 2025
Abstract: This study investigated the effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (TF-ACT) in alleviating symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) through a comprehensive single case study. The participant, a 39-year-old woman from the Gaza Strip, exhibited severe C-PTSD symptoms resulting from cumulative trauma, including prolonged childhood abuse and repeated exposure to war-related adversities. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combined standardized quantitative assessments, such as the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ), with in-depth qualitative interviews to evaluate therapeutic outcomes over 19 sessions. Quantitative findings demonstrated significant reductions in core C-PTSD symptoms, including hyperarousal, avoidance, intrusive memories, and emotional dysregulation, alongside notable improvements in psychological flexibility and overall well-being. Qualitative data highlighted the participant’s progress in reconstructing a coherent self-identity, enhancing emotional regulation skills, and developing meaningful social connections. Additionally, the study emphasized the importance of a strong therapeutic alliance in fostering trust, engagement, and sustained therapeutic benefits. These findings suggest that TF-ACT is a promising and comprehensive intervention for addressing the complex challenges associated with trauma. By integrating mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies with value-driven behavioral changes, TF-ACT provides a holistic framework for recovery, addressing both psychological symptoms and relational dynamics. This research contributes to the expanding evidence base for ACT-based therapies in trauma treatment and underscores the need for further clinical trials and longitudinal studies to optimize this intervention for diverse populations affected by complex trauma.
Abstract: This study investigated the effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (TF-ACT) in alleviating symptoms of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) through a comprehensive single case study. The participant, a 39-year-old woman from the Gaza Strip, exhibited severe C-PTSD symptoms resulting from cumulative trauma, incl...
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Research Article
Socio-Demographic Determinants of Parental Attitudes and Practices Towards Violence Against Children in Nepal: An Analysis Using MICS 2019 Data
Peshal Kumar Puri*
Juthiram Chaudhari
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
2 February 2025
14 February 2025
26 February 2025
Abstract: Violence Against Children (VAC) is a widespread global concern, affecting up to 1 billion children each year through physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. VAC is one of the harmful practices that affects children’s holistic development however it has been rooted as a way to make children disciplined. This study intends to explore the occurrence and determinants of violence against children in Nepal, emphasizing Physical and Humiliating Punishment (PHP) and caregiver views toward disciplinary attitude. This study utilizes data from the 2019 Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) to examine socio-demographic factors affecting child risk levels, caregiver acceptance of PHP, and children's exposure to violence. The study categorizes children into no-risk, moderate-risk, and high-risk groups based on exposure to violence and caregiver attitudes. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses reveal significant associations between child risk levels and factors such as age, region, parental education, and household wealth. Younger children (about 9 years) exhibit high-risk proportions compared to older children, while rural areas, lower wealth quintiles, and less educated households report higher risks. Maternal education emerges as a critical protective factor, significantly reducing the likelihood of children experiencing violence. Provincial disparities are stark, with Karnali and Sudurpashchim provinces showing the highest proportions of high-risk children. The findings highlight the urgent need for targeted interventions addressing socio-economic disparities, enhancing parental education, and implementing region-specific strategies to mitigate violence against children.
Abstract: Violence Against Children (VAC) is a widespread global concern, affecting up to 1 billion children each year through physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. VAC is one of the harmful practices that affects children’s holistic development however it has been rooted as a way to make children disciplined. This study intends to explore the occurrence and...
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