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Quality Characteristics of Soy-akamu Powder Formulated from Sorghum and Sprouted Soybean Flour Blends for Complementary Feeding

Received: 6 November 2019     Accepted: 29 November 2019     Published: 6 January 2020
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Soy-akamu is nutritionally poor hence the improvement by formulating with sprouted soybean to fortify and restore protein and other nutrients lost during processing to prevent hidden hunger. Sprouted soybean obtained from hand dehulled 12h tap water steeped sorted soybean, 72h sprouted and 20min boiled in 0.05% sodium bicarbonate solution was milled with 72h steeped, drained and washed cleaned sorghum seeds according to75: 25, 50: 50 and 25: 75 sorghum; sprouted soybean blends. Blended pasts were sieved and dewatered separately with double layered calico cloth to obtain the pastes. Proximate results showed increase in dried matter content (85.94 to 86.68%) with increase in soybean paste inclusion, moisture content decreased (14.06 to 13.32%) protein increased (5.11 to 39.96%), fat increased (1.51 to 11.21%), fiber increased (1.41 to 4.82%), ash increased (0.46 to 4.61%), carbohydrate decreased (77.44 to 26.07%) and energy increased (335.26 to 364.99Kcal). Bulk density increased (0.33%to 0.66g/ml), viscosity decreased (117.02 to 84µPas), swelling power increased (22.83 to 30.04), gelatinization temperature decreased (66.00 to 45°C) and gelatinization time increased (0.35 to 0.37sec). Gruel from 100% sorghum scored the highest acceptability. Sprouted soybean blending showed an improvement in the nutrients content of soy-akamu and decrease in acceptability beyond 25% inclusion.

Published in World Journal of Food Science and Technology (Volume 3, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.wjfst.20190304.12
Page(s) 48-57
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Science Publishing Group


Proximate Composition, Functional Properties, Sensory Property, Akamu Paste, Complementary Feeding

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  • APA Style

    Okwunodulu Nwazulu Innocent, Eze Nkechinyere Lucy, Ndife Joel, Ukom Nwankwo Anthony. (2020). Quality Characteristics of Soy-akamu Powder Formulated from Sorghum and Sprouted Soybean Flour Blends for Complementary Feeding. World Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3(4), 48-57. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.wjfst.20190304.12

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    ACS Style

    Okwunodulu Nwazulu Innocent; Eze Nkechinyere Lucy; Ndife Joel; Ukom Nwankwo Anthony. Quality Characteristics of Soy-akamu Powder Formulated from Sorghum and Sprouted Soybean Flour Blends for Complementary Feeding. World J. Food Sci. Technol. 2020, 3(4), 48-57. doi: 10.11648/j.wjfst.20190304.12

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    AMA Style

    Okwunodulu Nwazulu Innocent, Eze Nkechinyere Lucy, Ndife Joel, Ukom Nwankwo Anthony. Quality Characteristics of Soy-akamu Powder Formulated from Sorghum and Sprouted Soybean Flour Blends for Complementary Feeding. World J Food Sci Technol. 2020;3(4):48-57. doi: 10.11648/j.wjfst.20190304.12

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    T1  - Quality Characteristics of Soy-akamu Powder Formulated from Sorghum and Sprouted Soybean Flour Blends for Complementary Feeding
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    AU  - Eze Nkechinyere Lucy
    AU  - Ndife Joel
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    AB  - Soy-akamu is nutritionally poor hence the improvement by formulating with sprouted soybean to fortify and restore protein and other nutrients lost during processing to prevent hidden hunger. Sprouted soybean obtained from hand dehulled 12h tap water steeped sorted soybean, 72h sprouted and 20min boiled in 0.05% sodium bicarbonate solution was milled with 72h steeped, drained and washed cleaned sorghum seeds according to75: 25, 50: 50 and 25: 75 sorghum; sprouted soybean blends. Blended pasts were sieved and dewatered separately with double layered calico cloth to obtain the pastes. Proximate results showed increase in dried matter content (85.94 to 86.68%) with increase in soybean paste inclusion, moisture content decreased (14.06 to 13.32%) protein increased (5.11 to 39.96%), fat increased (1.51 to 11.21%), fiber increased (1.41 to 4.82%), ash increased (0.46 to 4.61%), carbohydrate decreased (77.44 to 26.07%) and energy increased (335.26 to 364.99Kcal). Bulk density increased (0.33%to 0.66g/ml), viscosity decreased (117.02 to 84µPas), swelling power increased (22.83 to 30.04), gelatinization temperature decreased (66.00 to 45°C) and gelatinization time increased (0.35 to 0.37sec). Gruel from 100% sorghum scored the highest acceptability. Sprouted soybean blending showed an improvement in the nutrients content of soy-akamu and decrease in acceptability beyond 25% inclusion.
    VL  - 3
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Food Sciences and Tourism, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria

  • Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Food Sciences and Tourism, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria

  • Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Food Sciences and Tourism, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria

  • Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Food Sciences and Tourism, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria

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