Axiomatic K-theory for C*-algebras

Corneliu Constantinescu  © by the authors

ISBN: 978-1-940366-79-1
Published: July 21, 2017
Pages: 288
Paperback: $130
Publisher: Science Publishing Group
Publication Status: Published
About This Book

The book consists of two parts. Part I is an axiomatic frame for the K-theory for C*-algebras. Some central results of this theory are heaved to the status of axioms and the other results are then derived from these axioms. In Part II the author constructs an example for this axiomatic theory which generalizes the classical theory for C*-algebras.

Author Introduction

Corneliu Constantinescu is emeritus professor of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich. He worked in the Theory of Riemann surfaces, Axiomatic Potential Theory, Spaces of Measures, and C*-algebras and he published books in all these fields.
