Research Article
Multifunctionality of Grasslands - Permanent Way of Sustainable Utilization of Regional Resources in Romania
Neculai Dragomir,
Vasile Mocanu*,
Nicoleta Dragomir
Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2023
28 October 2023
21 November 2023
30 November 2023
Abstract: Generally speaking, the grasslands are an essential element of sustainable farming systems represented by animal welfare, providing fodder, soil quality and optimal use of land less productive, especially for biomass production, renewable energy source. In addition to the decisive role of providing fodder for animals, grasslands have an important role in rural development and the environment, reflected through: carbon sequestration in soils, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, landscape quality, biodiversity conservation, soil fertility improvement and flood prevention and landslides, the richness of medicinal herbs, honeydew potential, important cultural heritage and a good management of water. By revegetation are biologically consolidated the road sides, mining, industrial and domestic deposits, skiing areas and other land with no vegetation to be protected from destructive external factors, stimulated pedogenesis and beautify the landscape. These features reflect and define grassland multifunctionality. Following the studies carried out on the multifunctional management of permanent grasslands in Romania, the estimated economic value of some services and functions, specific to these ecosystems, was determined at the total amount of 29,265 million lei/year, or 5,853 million euros/year, with an average annual of 6,097 lei/ha, or 1220 €/ha.
Abstract: Generally speaking, the grasslands are an essential element of sustainable farming systems represented by animal welfare, providing fodder, soil quality and optimal use of land less productive, especially for biomass production, renewable energy source. In addition to the decisive role of providing fodder for animals, grasslands have an important r...
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