Determination of Unit Fuel Cost Effect on Optimal Designed Parameters of Delta IV Ughelli Gas Turbine Power Plant Unit
Volume 6, Issue 4, December 2018
10 November 2018
21 December 2018
22 January 2019
Abstract: The effect of variation on optimal decision variables with respect to unit cost of fuel (sensitivity analysis) for optimal performance of 100MW Delta IV ughelli gas turbine power plant unit was determined using optimal operating parameters and exergoeconomics. The optimization tool is an evolutionary algorithm known as Genetic Algorithm (GA). The computer application used in this work is written in matlab programming language. Eight optimal operating parameters of the plant were used: compressor inlet temperature (T1), compressor pressure ratio (rp), compressor isentropic efficiency (ɳic), turbine isentropic efficiency (ɳit), turbine exhaust temperature (Tt). Air mass flow rate, fuel mass flow rate and fuel supply Temperature (Tf). These decision variables were optimally adjusted by the Genetic Algorithm (GA) to minimize the objective function. The objective function representing the total operating cost of the plant defined in terms of $ per hour is the sum of operating cost (i.e fuel consumption cost rate), rate of capital cost (i.e optimal investment and maintenance expenses) and rate of exergy destruction cost. The optimal values of the decision variables were obtained by minimizing the objective function. The determined values of the optimal operating variables were rp = 9.76, ɳic = 86.4%, ɳit = 89.12%, T3 = 1,481.8K, ɳε = 29%, ɳ E = 31%, Total Cost Rate = 13292$/hr, Wt = 277.11MW, Wc = 169.63MW, air mass flow rate = 530kg/s and fuel mass flow rate = 7.00kg/s. The variation of optimal decision variables with unit cost of fuel showed that by increasing the unit fuel cost, the pressure ratio (r p), compressor isentropic efficiency (ɳic), exergy efficiency (ɳε), Energy efficiency (ɳ E), total cost rate, turbine output power (Wt) and compressor input power (Wc) increase. The increase in ɳic, ɳε, ɳE and Wt guarantees less exergy destruction in compressor and turbine as well as less net cycle fuel consumption and operating cost.
Abstract: The effect of variation on optimal decision variables with respect to unit cost of fuel (sensitivity analysis) for optimal performance of 100MW Delta IV ughelli gas turbine power plant unit was determined using optimal operating parameters and exergoeconomics. The optimization tool is an evolutionary algorithm known as Genetic Algorithm (GA). The c...
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Study of the Degradation of PV Modules Installed in West Africa
Fatou Dia,
Oumar Absatou Niasse,
Nacire Mbengue,
Moussa Soro,
Bassirou Ba
Volume 6, Issue 4, December 2018
19 December 2018
10 January 2019
29 January 2019
Abstract: In this paper, the degradation rate of monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous PV modules is studied in a sub-Saharan zone in three periods: cleaning, no cleaning and rainy season. Studies that have been shown have increased series resistance. This is how the different cleaning phases of the crystalline module to the thin layer for not having decreased the maximum power of the module. Thus, the cleaning of the crystalline technology modules should be once a week and the micro-amorphous, once every three weeks. It is therefore preferable to observe a much longer cleaning period. It is confirmed in this study that soiling increases the rate of power degradation but that the modules are less affected by soiling under intense lighting. Our results are confirmed by other works [6]. Moreover they agree above 700 W / m², the impurities on very little influence on the maximum power of the modules, while below 400 W / m², the fall was about 25% of the initial power.
Abstract: In this paper, the degradation rate of monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous PV modules is studied in a sub-Saharan zone in three periods: cleaning, no cleaning and rainy season. Studies that have been shown have increased series resistance. This is how the different cleaning phases of the crystalline module to the thin layer for not havin...
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