Research Article
Calculations of Resonances Energies of the Ne Atom, Ne-like Na+, Mg2+, and Ne+ Ions, Framework of the Modified Atomic Orbital Theory
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2025
14 August 2024
22 January 2025
11 February 2025
Abstract: In the literature, there are several theoretical and experimental methods for calculating the resonance energies and natural widths of atomic systems. For the 1s22s2p6np ¹P1 series of Ne, Na+, Mg2+, and the 1s2s22p5np ¹P1 series of Ne+, various methods have been employed. In this present work, resonance energies resonance energies and width of the 1s22s2p6 np 1P1 series of the Ne, Na+, Mg2+, and 1s2s22p5 np 1P1 of Ne+ ions are calculated. The energies are calculated in the framework of the Modified Atomic Orbital Theory (MAOT). The results obtained compared very well with theoretical and experimental literature values. The possibility to use the MOAT formalism report rapidly with an excellent accuracy the position of the resonances as well as their width within simple analytical formulae is demonstrated. It is demonstrated that the MOAT-method can be used to assist fruitfully experiments for identifying narrow resonance energies. Thus, our results can be used as reference data for the interpretation of atomic spectra for the diagnosis of astrophysical and laboratory plasma. Through this method new values of these energies are reported going up to n=40. These excellent agreements between theory and experiments indicate that the MAOT formalism can be used to report accurate high-lying excited Rydberg series of atomic species for the diagnostic and the modeling of astrophysical or laboratory plasmas.
Abstract: In the literature, there are several theoretical and experimental methods for calculating the resonance energies and natural widths of atomic systems. For the 1s22s2p6np ¹P1 series of Ne, Na+, Mg2+, and the 1s2s22p5np ¹P1 series of Ne+, various methods have been employed. In this present work, resonance energies resonance energies and width of the ...
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